Netpay - a simple OPO for calculating PAYE and NI - and I mean SIMPLE. The program takes no account of enhanced allowances for the over 65s, profit related pay, 20% bandings on married couples allowances, contracted-out status, benefits in kind (cars) and other good stuff like that. What it does do is compute plain vanilla PAYE and NI for those with a straightforward pay packet. Netpay was written for personal reasons and I am making it available on the off-chance that someone else might find it useful. I am not expecting payment for the program and consequently accept no responsibility for any screw ups resulting from its use. Reverse engineering of the code would be particularly sad as the algorithms involved are simple (and accountants earn so much, criminal isn't it). Having said that, if any bugs do turn up or if someone wants to fork out huge(ish) wads of cash for tax-related OPL software, I'm game and open to novelty e-mail (Warning - attempts to extract freebie taxation advice will be taunted severely). Stef AKA... CI$ - 100144,437 / CIX -