Jason Kneen - 13/9/96 ------------------- (See Update.txt for history notes) After seeing the new Siena, and taking a shine to the new 3D icons, I wanted to replace my 3a Icons with them. After a bit of thought, I came up with a way to replace all the standard Psion 3a icons with the new ones. I've already done the hard work, so you just have to install the Groups and lists to your system screen to enjoy the new icons (and my own flavours of them) PS. Because of some inital teething problems with installing the als, and grp files, I've now included all the PIC files, so you can build your own groups and lists! Installation of GRP and ALS files 1. The ALS and GRP files in this directory should be copied into your APP directory. 2. Use the Application Install menu option to select each ALS and GRP file to install them on your system screen. 3. Remove the old apps. The list is as follows:- ACT2.ALS - A list for ACT with a Siena type Icon AGN2.ALS - Agenda list CALC.GRP - Calculator group DATA1.ALS - Database list JBDATA3.ALS - A list for JBdata with a Siena type Icon Month2.als - A list for Monthvu with a Siena type Icon QUIK.ALS - If you have Quiknote, this is a new Quiknote list SPR2.ALS - Spreadheet list TIME2.GRP - Time group WORD2.ALS - Word List WORLD2.GRP - World Group RECORD2.ALS - Record list OPL2.ALS - OPL edit list OPLRUN2.ALS - OPL Run list SPELL2.GRP - Spell Group (3c Icon), designed for the inbuilt Spell app. PATINCE2.GRP - Patience Group (3c icon), designed for the inbuilt Patience app. SYSTEM.GRP - Group showing the 3a icon to put utils in (or just leave empty because it looks cool on the screen!) SLIST2.ALS - Shopping list app Icon PBVIDEO2.GRP - Group for PBVideo Apologies to all the authors whoose Icons I replaced (nothing personal, just wanted the consistancy) To explain the reason for ALS and GRP files, I've used ALS (Lists) for all multifile applications, ie Agenda etc, and GRP (group) files for all applications that you can't make lists out of ie Calculator, Time etc. (The trick is to Create a group with the icon you want, then insert into it the App you want to replace.) I've tried to make sure that they will work okay on different machine configurations, but I apologise in advance If a couple don't work. Please let me know on 100772,1226 if you have an problems. I'm not asking for anything other than an email of appreciation if you use them. Thanks JasonK