Fixes list for Notepad Deluxe 1.01 ================================== 1/14/96 - Changed the key sent to ACT! to Psion-k (Keyword search) Np2.opo 1/14/96 - Fixed bug related to sorting by start date Np3.opo (Np2.opo) 3/28/97 - Added new idea for speed up. In a test, it scrolled 35 lines 3-4 seconds faster than older version. It's very simple, and doesn't affect any other code. 3/28/97 - New Npgraph.opo is working fine. Fixes a couple of reported probs. 3/28/97 - Changed copyright to 1997. 3/28/97 - Changed version to 1.01 4/22/97 - Fixed a bug in the copy/paste. We were pasting the uniq ID of a note. When the user adds a due date to that note, Notepad sees this as an update, and not a new due date. Fixed german version. 5/10/97 - Added minor change to writing to agenda for plugin support for adjusting the year symbol. (Yearsym.plg plugin - available on our web page.) 5/10/97 - Fixed a screen drawing bug in the Map. 5/11/97 - Minor redraw bug in Server 5/14/97 - When writing untimed Agenda entries, the entry is written into the chosen time slot instead of the default slot.