NPLauncher Version 1.0 (c)JBSoft 1997 ³ ÃÄ¿ ÀÂÁÄÙ ÀÄ¿ ÄÄÙ Overview -------- Notepad DeLuxe allows the user to configure the PIC launcher to be something other than a program to view pictures (this is done on the Set preferences menu under Files). NPLauncher allows more than one program to be used in this slot by using the filename extension to select the actual program used. Installation ------------ NPLAUNCH.OPA should be placed in an \APP directory and the file selected in Notepad using Set Preferences | Files to be the file to launch to view pictures. To enable the editing of the lookup file (either JBTREE.DBF or EXTN.DBF) then the program should also be installed somewhere on the System screen. Now comes the complex bit. If you already use JBTree and have an \APP\JBTREE\JBTREE.DBF file then you need to do nothing. Otherwise you will need to place the EXTN.DBF file in an \APP\NPAD directory (preferably one that is in RAM rather than in Flash as the file will probably be edited - this is not too important though as the file is unlikely to grow to much and can be classed as Flash-friendly). You can install it on any drive (M:, A: or B:). Use --- Select the link in the normal way - select the PIC button and you will be asked for a file to view. You will need to press Tab twice to edit the section as the default is .PIC - it is probably best to change this to "*.*". Navigate to the file you wish to look at and press Enter twice. The rest of the operation now behaves like any other of the links in Notepad. When the Link is selected my program will do a lookup on the filename extension and launch the appropriate application along with the file. If the program is already running then it will jump to it rather than start another version. Unlike with JBLaunch this program does not terminate immediately on running the new application - this is because, when the new app is closed down, you end on the System screen rather than in Notepad. It should therefore not be used to run multiple programs at the same time as resources will soon run out. Edit the lookup database ------------------------ To edit the .DBF file you will need to have installed the NPLaunch application onto the System screen. Just highlight the name under the icon and press Enter - in this mode it will automatically go into the configuration option. You will be taken to Data and allowed to either edit existing records or create a new one. The format is as follows... There are four fields in the configuration file: 1. Extension - this is the extension the launch utility will use to determine which database record in JBTREE.DBF to use. When launching a file the database is searched for an extension which matches that of the file to launch. 2. Run filename - this is the program to run in conjunction with the file selected (e.g. WRD extension should use ROM::WORD.APP). Any OPO or OPA file should use ROM::SYS$PRGO.IMG. 3. Extra filename - This field is for use with OPA files that use file lists (e.g. Notepad). If this field is used then it is probable that the Run filename will be ROM::SYS$PRGO.IMG. 4. Alias Info - currently the only program that would use this field is WORD unless there is a 3rd party application of which I am unaware. The two .ALS files (PROGRAM and SCRIPT) in the ROM should not be called explicitly - they are loaded as required according to the alias data. Briefly: The first letter specifies Program or Script (either O or S) - the second letter specifies if RUN is allowed and the next three letters give both the top directory any compiled programs are placed in and also the files extension. A text editor can be started by using the alias character of $. I have enclosed a couple of examples in the basic file but the example for PIC files will almost certainly need editing as it is unlikely your machine is set up in the same way as mine. Thanks ------ Thank you to Michael Baas for the initial idea and to Mark Esposito for giving it his blessing and for writing Notepad in the first place. Contact ------- John Boyce CompuServe: 100014,1240 CIX: jboyce Internet: