Ocean Version 4.0 English version november 97 SHAREWARE version Prediction of tides using harmonic constants method. INSTALLATION : Copy Ocean4gb.opa in APP directory of any disk. Copy Ocean.dbf and oceangb.help in the OPD directory of the internal drive. Normal install with Psion-I. For registered users, code is still OK. ABOUT OCEAN : Ocean computes sea height and tides for a day or a week. Accuracy is about 5 to 20 minutes in comparison with official tide tables. File Ocean.dbf contains constants for several English, German and French ports. Some others ports are available after registration. Press Help to get more instructions. ******************************************************************** WARNING : The author does not accept any responsibility for the use of this software. It DOES NOT REPLACE an official yearbook. Be careful. ******************************************************************** IMPROVEMENTS FROM V2 TO V3: This version is faster : 40s for a day vs 1mn45. 3mn for a week vs 12mn. A tide at 12:00 or 0:00 will be now displayed. An offset can be added or substracted to the times computed. Auto mode can be enabled when starting. French coeff. can be disabled for non-French users. Up and down arrows change anchorage marks (if displayed). IMPROVEMENTS FROM V3 TO V4 : added a curve presentation for a week. added a grid on X-axis and Y-axis. Units are in meters. AUTHOR : Pierre Pellot La Garenne B1 186 rue Pasteur 33200 BORDEAUX FRANCE Suggestions and bugs to : p.pellot@enfrance.com Many thanks to Graham Jackson for English translation and to Jean-Yves Pontailler for rapid tests, bug tracks and useful suggestions.