This freeware version of Notable Dates & Events 1997 contains a complete listing of UK public holidays, major football matches and key trade fairs/exhibitions in the fields of computing and telecommunications. The full version of Notable Dates and Events 1997 is available from On-Board Info Ltd. for £12.95 plus £1.90 postage and packing. It contains over 1000 entries covering: - public holidays - notable dates e.g. Mother's Day; clocks change - business and cultural events e.g. exhibitions; concerts; trade fairs - national and international sporting fixtures for all major sports It provides full domestic coverage of the UK, USA, France and Germany. Plus public holidays for all major countries. Notable Dates is supplied on 3.5" disks with an easy-to-use Windows installation programme which allows the user quickly to select the countries and categories of their choice for transfer to their Psion. Full details and orders from On-Board Info Ltd.: Tel: +44 171 370 0307 Fax: +44 171 370 0870