OpaSpy V 1.0 Copyright May 1997 Richard Wakelin. Freeware ******************************************** THIS PROGRAM IS FOR THE PSION SERIES 3C ONLY ******************************************** Contents 1. Disclaimer 2. Introduction 3. What's the program for ! 4. Installing OpaSpy 5. Contact address and other details 1. Disclaimer ............. Use this program at your own risk. The author is not responsible for any loss of data that may occur as a result of using OpaSpy. I cannot guarantee that there are no hidden bugs waiting to be discovered so make sure that you back up your data before using this (or any other shareware/freeware) program. 2. Introduction ............... Opaspy10.zip contains 3 files Opaspy10.app ovgrid.dyl Opaspy.txt (this file) Only Opaspy10.app and ovgrid.dyl are needed to run the program. OpaSpy was written using the free demo version of Oval, Psion's new Visual Basic compatible development environment for the Series 3c and Workabout computers. This demo version can be downloaded from the Psion web site. 3. What's the program for ! ........................... OpaSpy allows OPL programmers to see how much memory is used by each procedure in their program. You can look into any OPO or OPA file that you or anyone else has written. The next paragraph is copied from the Sibo OPL technical reference which is part of the OPL software development kit version 3. Quote. When a procedure is called, the runtime interpreter allocates a cell for that procedure. This cell contains the data associated with the procedure and the QCODE. The cell is (Data size + QCODE size) in length. End quote. When an OPA or OPO program is run, the top level procedure is loaded into memory. Other procedures are only loaded when they are called and are unloaded when they return. When a procedure is loaded a cell is allocated as described above. This cell contains the translated code, space needed for variables declared in the procedure, and space for other information needed to run the procedure. OpaSpy allows OPL programmers to see how much memory each procedure uses when loaded into memory. As well as the size of this cell, other (possibly !) useful information is also shown. A full description is included in online help. The OPL software development kit is available from Psion for about £99 + vat in the UK. See the Psion web site for more information. 4. Installing OpaSpy ..................... Place Opaspy10.app in an APP\ directory on any drive. Place ovgrid.dyl in an APP\OVAL\ directory on any drive. Install OpaSpy to the system screen in the usual way. Create the directories if you have to. EXAMPLE INSTALLATION .................... Opaspy10.app -> LOC::M:\APP\ ovgrid.dyl -> LOC::M:\APP\OVAL\ Opaspy10.app contains the code written by me. ovgrid.dyl is the grid control, which is part of the Oval development environment. ******************************************************* OVAL APPS TAKE A LONG TIME TO START. PLEASE BE PATIENT. ******************************************************* 5. Contact address and other details ..................................... I hope you find this program useful. Please redistribute this program along with this text file. I have only uploaded this program to CIX and CIS so please cross post to any other library or BBS. Email rbenno@cix.compulink.co.uk Email 106305.466@compuserve.com End of file.