Psion Setup (c)1996 PROTRONICS USA 404-351-1055 CompuServe 71021,1544 Setup is a system used by all Protronics apps to store and retrieve preferences. If run directly it will open SETUP.DBF in the Data app. Here you can change defaults or delete those for apps you don't use. Developer's Kit Setup was created to standardize user defaults & encourage users to register with you. By storing all OPA/OPO defaults in one DBF file, total files are reduced, memory is saved, and setup is simplified. Development is faster as code is reduced and less memory is needed during runtime. If the user defaults are damaged or deleted, SETUP will automatically rebuild SETUP.DBF from app defaults passed by the calling program. SETUP.DBF can contain defaults for dozens of apps making them easily accessible to the user. By tracking registration codes, users are strongly encouraged to register, meaning more money for developers. The only thing we ask in exchange for the SETUP.OPO code is for you to send us your app when it's done. We will test it & provide feedback. Installing Setup 1) Copy SETUP.DBF into \DAT (mark as Hidden*) 2) Copy SETUP.OPO into \OPO (mark as Hidden) *Optional (Setup will recreate SETUP.DBF if damaged or missing) To mark SETUP.OPO as Hidden: Find the OPL balloon (press Psion-J to install RunOpl) Hilite SETUP.OPO, press Psion-T, and set Hidden to "Yes" See other .TXT files for more instructions Notes You may use Setup for your own development, but remember other apps use SETUP.DBF to store defaults too. Please keep to the routines in SETUP.OPO and let us know if you need added functionality. If you have suggestions, ideas, or install trouble please let us know. Send us a $25 registration fee, and you will receive all of our Psion Utils via e-mail over the Internet (uuencoded) or CompuServe (zipped). You'll be on our list for new releases & receive free updates for life. International users may register via CompuServe (GO SWREG ID#: 7768) Registered users get free utility updates for the life of the product Our New Web Site: Protronics USA 499 Northside Circle, Suite 420, Atlanta GA 30309-2112 Psion Setup (c)1996 PROTRONICS USA 404-351-1055 CompuServe 71021,1544 SETUP.OPO contains 4 functions: OpenF:(App$) App$=Application Name Opens SETUP.DBF (uses logical D so A, B, & C are free) Displays Copyright notice & Licensee Checks if registered If Not, allows user to enter name & code or use for a trial period If the app config is missing, a new one is created Reads user defaults into memory IO$:(Var$,Data$,io%) Var$=Name of Variable io%=0(read) or 1(write) if io%=0, Data$=App Default if io%=1, Data$=User Default IO$ searches for the variable name App default is returned if io% is 1 or Var$ is missing User default is returned if io% is 0 and Var$ is found CloseF: Writes user defaults back to file Closes SETUP.DBF (If no save is necessary, use CLOSE instead of CloseF:) OpenD:(App$) Opens SETUP.DBF using DATA, jumps to App, allows user to edit profile, and returns the process ID. Sample App: PROC MAIN: GLOBAL Remind%, Code%, User$(25), Drive$(7), App$(12) Init: PRINT "Files:",Drive$ IF Remind% PRINT "User:",User$ PRINT "Code:",Code% ENDIF PRINT chr$(10);"Notice Files =",Drive$,"not M:\WRD\" PRINT "Try changing the data in SETUP.DBF and running again" PRINT "Press a key..." :get OpenD:(App$) UNLOADM "Setup" ENDP PROC Init: GLOBAL Vars$(16,60) app$="MyApp" LOADM "Setup" OpenF:(App$) REM Write variables (forces defaults) Drive$= IO$:("Files","M:\TXT\",1) Remind%= IO$:("Remind","On",1)="On" REM Read variables (defaults are included in case missing) User$= IO$:("User","Unregistered",0) Code%= VAL( IO$:("Code","9999",0)) Drive$= IO$:("Files","M:\WRD\",0) closef: ENDP