OrdSor - Version 0.50 June 1996 Dr. Ulrich Vollert Mail: 100646.1166@compuserve.com WWW: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/ulrivo OrdSor is a program for the PSION Series 3a. Are you wondering where all your memory is gone? Are you wondering which files and directories are using how many bytes on your PSION? OrdSor is a small utility to help to answer this questions. OrdSor shows you the amount of bytes the directories are using. It gives you a graphical view of the amount of memory which is occupied by the files and directories. INSTALLATION: Just copy ORDSOR.OPA to any \APP-directory on your PSION. Then install the application from the system screen (with Psion-i). COPYRIGHT: I hold all rights for this program. There is no registration or payment necessary to use this program. The user is responsible for all possible damages by using this program. This progam may be copied to anywhere as long as all parts stay together and nothing is changed. Please inform me about bugs or suggestions. USING OrdSor: After starting OrdSor you may choose any directory on your Psion to analyse the amount of used memory. Choose the root directory ("\") on any disk or any other directory. OrdSor will read all directories and files belonging to the choosen directory. This may take some time. OrdSor will show you in the first line of the display the amount of bytes used by the choosen directory. It will display a graphical view of the amount of the directories which are located in the choosen directory. The number in the second line on the display gives you the amount of bytes which are used by the files in the choosen directory. Starting from the third line you see the amount of bytes and the names of the directories in the choosen directory. This will look similiar to this: 272.923 LOC::M: ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÂÂÄÄÄ¿ 3.888 ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÂÄÄÁÄÄÂÄÄÁÄÂÁÁÄÄÄÙ 63.748 X DAT ³ ³ ³ ³ 42.546 BANK ³ ³ ³ 42.433 SPR ³ ³ The grey box to the right of the graphical view is the amount of the bytes which the files are using. This corresponds to the number on the left side (in this example 3.888 bytes). If you use the down and up arrow keys the cursor (in the example above marked with a X) will move down and up. On any directory you may use the right arrow to get the usage display for that directory. The left arrow key (or ESC key) takes you up to the parent directory where you came from. OrdSor reads all directories and files on the initialization - it only holds the directory structure in memory. So moving through the directory structure of the choosen directory will work without another reading and will be quite fast. If you want to know which files are located in the directory which is named in the first line of the display just press the TAB key. OrdSor will read all the files in that directory and show them ordered by their size. Leave the file display by any key. You may change the used font size by pressing 'z' or 'Shift-z'. You may change from displaying "bytes" to "Kbytes" by pressing 'k' (and with the same key back to bytes display). Exit the program by pressing 'x'. The valid keys are descripted in the online help which is displayed if you press the HELP key. Have fun while exploring your PSION. FURTHER DEVELOPMENT Please feel free to e-mail me any comment or suggestion. If enough people demand a German version I shall publish it. Ulrich Vollert