THIS README APPLIES TO v1.9F OF PASSAPPS! PassApps 1.9F is a Shareware Password Protection program for the Agenda and Data Applications of the Psion S3a, S3c AND Siena. It has been written in OPL and will work ONLY on the Psion 3a/3c/Siena models, *BUT* there are SPECIFIC versions for each machine. This readme file and the included .OPA files apply to the *PSION 3C VERSION* of PassApps ONLY. FOR A 3A/SIENA VERSION, PLEASE VISIT MY WEB SITE OR CONTACT ME. ********************************************************* ********************************************************* *The author of PassApps 1.9F makes can not guarantee * *future upgrades of the program. He [P.K.Spencer of * *Aylesbury] will accept no responsibility for any damage* *which occurs to either you or your system whilst using * *the program! I ALSO ACCEPT NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE * *LOSS OF DATA WHILST YOU ARE USING MY PROGRAM. * *I makes no wild claims that the program will protect * *your Psion Files in every situation, so if the program * *doesn't protect your data for any reason, don't blame * *me. You use PassApps at your own risk. You have the * *authors permission to freely distribute the ZIP * *file AS LONG AS ALL THE CONTENTS REMAIN AS IN THE * *ORIGINAL. * ********************************************************* ********************************************************* Right, now all the disclaiming stuff is out of the way lets get down to it :-) Contents *********** This ZIP file should contain the following: Pasapp3c.txt (this file) Pasagn3c.opa (the Agenda protection program) Pasdat3c.opa (the Data protection program) You can either install BOTH the .OPA files, or pick which ones you want! Although both the .OPA files WILL run on the 3a models, the Agenda and Data icons on the 3a are different to that of the 3c. As a result, it is wisest to use the special 3a only versions that have the old icons and not the 3c one. This version will NOT run at all on the Siena models Installation ************ This is very straight forward, simply put the .OPA(s) you need in any directory (on any disk), preferably \APP. If you require the on-line help, then put APPS.HLP in the M:\OPD directory. Then you must UN-INSTALL the application you wish to protect from the System screen. E.g. if you want to install PassAgn, then highlight the Agenda icon on System and Press "PSION-/" to un-install it. Now you must install PassAgn in its place, so press Psion-I, move to the program PassAgn and confirm it. The above procedure applies to both PassAgn AND PassDat. More details of exactly how to install and un-install files can be found in the 3c manual. ************************************************************ * PLEASE NOTE * ************************************************************ *Un-ambiguos files named Agenda.ini and Data.ini will be * *created in the \OPD directory of your internal drive. Each* *stores the password you have chosen for that program (i.e.* *Data.ini stores your password for PassDat and Agenda.ini * *stores it for PassAgn. However, both programs encrypt the * *passwords so it's not as un-safe as it sounds! * ************************************************************ About the Prog ************** I wrote this prog because I wanted to have some form of protection for the Agenda App on my Psion. Simple as that really. I then thought that once I had got it into an acceptable state that it would be of use to other Psion users. After some requests, I also build a second program into the PassAgn idea called PassDat which adds password protection to Data. About the Author **************** P.K.Spencer is a 16 year old from Aylesbury. He has very little OPL experience and is learning to write programs. This is one of his first attempts. The Prog appears to have no bugs but if you find any or have any comments/suggestions for future versions then I welcome your input either by: E-Mail on or 106023,676 on CIS OR at 10 Prebendal Court Oxford Road Aylesbury Bucks HP19 3EY You can find updates of PassApps and my other programs on my web page at: Registering *********** PassApps 1.9F is distributed as Shareware. To register on Compuserve, GO SWREG 11899 or send 5 UKP to the above address with either your E-Mail address so I can mail the code to you or with a an SAE. This code will disable the nag screens, pauses, etc. 5 UKP isn't a lot to register and it'll help me develop future versions (and other programs). I don't have much time free as I'm doing my GCSE's so I need an incentive :-) NOTE: You only need to register ONCE, as the code that you will be given will work for BOTH PassAgn AND PassDat! Alternatively, you can now register over the Internet by using the SWREG service. To do this, go to the URL of: http://www.swregnet.come/446p.htm How to Use PassApps ******************* The first time you run either program, you will be asked for a password you wish to use and also to re-enter the same password for confirmation. You will then be passed on to the start-up screen. This is the screen you will encounter from now on when you enter the program again. NOTE: Each program uses a different password file, so you must have a password for each. This is to cater for users who wish to use 2 different passwords. At the start screen you will have to enter the password you have chosen before you can run Data/Agenda, you also have the option to configure the program. If you select NO to configuration, Agenda/Data will be launched with the file chosen or created via System (i.e. the file you pressed enter over beneath the program icon, or the file you specified by pressing Psion-N over the program's icon. If you select YES to configuration- you get passed to the main menu. From here, you can change the password PassAgn/PassDat uses, delete and rename files, register the program, activate the help file (if present) and bring up copyright/version information. NOTE: If you switch away from the configure screen then PassAgn/PassDat prompts you for the password again. Other Programs by Me ******************** Have you tried TimeMan? This excellent and easy to use collection of Time related/time management utilities proves useful to almost every Psion user. The latest version is 3.6F and the .zip is only about 40K - so why not download it from all the usual sources and of course from my web page - go one, give it a try! HAVE FUN!! v1.9F (3c) 15/02/97 Copyright (C) P.K.Spencer 1996, All Rights Reserved.