PerCalc Version 1.05 Freeware Copyright Chris Nicholson - 1997-1998 Please mail all suggestions, comments or details of problems to me at Visit my web site at for all the latest information and updates on my programs. DISCLAIMER No responsibility is accepted by the author for any loss of data, however caused, by the use or misuse of AnsCom. The responsibility for any consequences of installation or use rest solely with the user. No warranties or guarantees of any kind are available. DISTRIBUTION PerCalc is freely distributable to anyone so long as it is distributed in UNMODIFIED FORM along with this unmodified readme file, and that no fees are charged. INSTALLATION Copy the file PerCalc.opa to any \app directory. Then install on the system screen using Psion-I. GETTING STARTED The progarm runs in a loop until you press escape. This makes it idea for working on figures that use repetive percentages. All you need to do is enter any two sets of figures and the progarm will calculate the remaining data. History 1.05 Improves memory usage by 10k 1.04 Replaces missing discount percentage on results screen. 1.03 Added the option of using mark up percentages. 1.02 Added the ability to dispaly in either $ or £. Fixed a minor bug with the discount calculation. 1.01 initial release