_____________________________________________________________________________ LICHTBILD ORDER FORM March 1996 INTRODUCTORY MATERIAL _____________________________________________________________________________ This order form is a text file named ORDER.TXT. You can print it, then fill it in by hand. Or you can load it into a text editor (such as NotePad), then type your answers before you print it out. Berthold Daum lichtbild pty ltd 21 Margate St LPO Box 6011 Cromer, Vic 3193 Australia FAX: +61-3-9584 9638 CompuServe: 100026,3365 INTERNET: 100026.3365@compuserve.com WorldWideWeb: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/hompages/lichtbild ----------------------------- PAYMENT TERMS ------------------------------- PRICING: All prices are in Australian dollars. CHEQUES: Cheques from inside Australia must be made payable to lichtbild p/l, Beaumaris, Australia. Cheques from outside Australia must be issued in Australian Dollar and made payable to an Australian bank. Some international money orders (usually via the post office) are also appropriate. Eurocheques issued in German Marks (DEM) (to Berthold Daum) are also accepted. CREDIT CARDS: This is the preferred method of payment. We do accept the following credit cards: American Express, Master- Card, Visa. You must fill out the form provided in this file. COMPUSERVE: For most of our products you can register and pay via CompuServe(GO SWREG). Prices are in US dollar and are a bit higher to cover additional costs. CASH PAYMENT: Mailing cash is not recommended. However, we can process payments made in Australian Dollar (AUD), British pounds(GBP), Deutschmarks (DEM), French Franc (FF), US-Dollar (USD). Do not send coins but round up to the next banknote value. Wrap cash payments in dark paper. We do not accept responsibility for cash lost in the mail. PURCHASE ORDERS: We accept PO's from Fortune 1000 companies; govern- ment offices (state, provincial and national); natio- nally distributed media; plus officially certified service, charitable and educational institutions. _____________________________________________________________________________ LICHTBILD ORDER FORM INTRODUCTORY MATERIAL _____________________________________________________________________________ ----------------------------- DELIVERY ------------------------------------ MAIL: We deliver all software on 3.5" 1.44 MB floppy disc in PC format (includes newest versions of all of our shareware) and the manual by mail. We charge a flat rate for postage and handling of A$6.00. ----------------------------- WARRANTY ------------------------------------ The software is distributed on shareware basis (try before you buy) and comes unwarranted. However, we take pride in fixing all reported bugs usually with- in a few days. Please report any problems by mail,FAX or email. UPDATES: Updates to new versions are free of charge. We upload new versions to CompuServe (GO PALMTOP, PSION files) and send new versions to PSION BBS's and User Club BBS's all over the world. We send floppies with updated software to registered users for a small fee (see below). _____________________________________________________________________________ LICHTBILD ORDER FORM PAGE 1 of 2 _____________________________________________________________________________ Your name: _______________________________________________________ Given name Surname Company name: _______________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Voice phone: ____________________ CompuServe ID: ________________ Fax: ____________________ InterNet ID: ________________ Where did you ( ) Author ( ) CompuServe ( ) A friend get a copy of ( ) BBS ( ) InterNet ( ) Don't remember our software? ( ) Disk vendor ( ) AOL ( ) Other, specify ( ) PSION ( ) GEnie __________________ Diskette: 3.5" 1.44 MB PC formatted ( ) Use ZIP format - I want your full software library ( ) Use unzipped format - I cannot unzip Host: ( ) PC ( ) Mac ( ) Other, specify __________________ Palmtop: ( ) PSION S3 ( ) Acorn PowerBook I ( ) PSION S3a ( ) Acorn PowerBook II I enclose ( ) a cheque in A$ to lichtbild p/l, Beaumaris, Australia ( ) an Eurocheque in DEM payable to Berthold Daum ( ) money order or, please charge this purchase to my credit card. ( ) MasterCard ( ) Visa ( ) American Express My full card number _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ valid from: __________ until end __________ Name on card: _________________________________________ Signature of cardholder: ______________________________ Do you have comments or suggestions for us? We would like to hear them! _________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ LICHTBILD SOFTWARE ORDER/REGISTRATION PAGE 2 of 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DESCRIPTION AMOUNT PRICE ENCLOSED ___________________________________________________ _______ ________ ________ PocView V1.4 for S3a _______ A$ 19.95 ________ View PIC-,BMP-,PCX-,GIF-images.Open large images reduced(1:2,1:4,1:8) and crop for detailed view. Convert images to PIC,BMP,PCX,GIF. Batch conver- sion, batch printing,slide show. Capture screens from other applications. Prints to Apple, Canon, Epson, HP, IBM, PostScript. German/English. (No printed manual) PicPoc V2.6 for S3a _______ A$ 49.95 ________ Paint bitmaps up to 640 x 400 pixels.Pen, Eraser, Spray,Fill,Rectangle, Ellipse, Bezier, selectable shapes/patterns. Magnifier. Rotate,enlarge, skew. Prints to Apple,Canon, Epson,HP, IBM, PostScript. German/English. MusiPoc V4.1 LITE for S3a _______ A$ 24.95 ________ A musical editor specialised PSION S3a. Tunes in one or two voices and up to 16 tracks. Repeat- (No printed manual) structures, Animation,Metronom, Organ. Copy, cut, paste, revert. Key-and rhytm signatures. Prints to Apple,Canon, Epson,HP, IBM, PostScript. German/English. MusiPoc V4.1 PROF for S3a _______ A$ 44.90 ________ The same as above, plus custom tune and track names, copyright notice, import and export from to standard MIDI files (SMF, type 0 and 1). Printed manual in German/English. ProPoc ONE V1.49 for S3 and S3a _______ A$ 29.95 ________ Entry level project management. Multiproject(7), resource sharing and schedules, restdays, public holidays, Budgeting, Progress report, Alarms, Export to WORD. English. ProPoc V2.0 for S3 and S3a LITE _______ A$ 59.95 ________ Project Management. As above plus: 15 Projects, Constraints, Calendar exceptions, custom tables, graphical printing, help file, PERT view, SS/FS links, workload driven scheduling, Zoom-in-zoom- out-schedule. German/English. ProPoc V2.0 for S3a PROF _______ A$ 99.00 ________ as LITE plus: AGENDA import/export, Baselines, Bottleneck analysis, Cash flow analysis, Filters, HyperPoc link, Location control, Masterfiles, MPX import/export, Outline mode,Overtime surchar- ges, Password protection, Project dependencies, Quick schedule, Resource calendars, Spreadsheet export, Subprojects, Variable resource loading. German/English HyperPoc V2.4 LITE for S3 and S3a _______ A$ 59.95 ________ Hypercard/multimedia application. Variable card size; backgrounds; text, icons, bitmaps, alarms, clocks, tunes, waves, animation; automatic hyper- text;OPL-interface;export/print text and bitmaps. Prints to Apple,Canon, Epson,HP, IBM, PostScript. German/English. HyperPoc V2.4 PROF for S3a _______ A$ 99.00 ________ as above plus: import of text and WORD files, im- proved performance, BRING function,true S3a-grey, PROPOC link, royalty free runtime licence. German/English. RepPoc V2.3 LITE for S3 and S3a _______ A$ 39.95 ________ Merge data from DATA files,WORD forms.Create let- ters,envelops, faxes, lists,labels. Column arith- metic.Sorting & break processing. German/English. RepPoc V2.3 PROF for S3a _______ A$ 59.00 ________ as above plus: export to spreadsheet. Extensive help texts. German/English. PocDoc V1.4 for S3 and S3a _______ A$ 19.95 ________ Electronic diary to monitor your health. Charts, printing, emergency dialing. Prints to Apple, Canon, Epson,HP, IBM, PostScript. German/English. (No printed manual) F11 V3.0 for S3a _______ A$ 19.95 ________ Typing aid for WORD, DATA, AGENDA, Spreadsheet. Automatic spaces, upper case, double hyphen. In- sertion of phrases/data/spreadsheet.Easy umlauts. Character table. Find file. Hypertext functions. Macros and plug-ins. Includes Tippex. German/English. (No printed manual) Spy V1.3 (S3a only) _______ A$ 19.95 ________ Look into application memory and S3a files. Modify data in memory and S3a file. Great for interactive debugging and file repair. English. (No printed manual) ---- Packages ------------------------------------- S3a PowerPak: _______ A$199.00 ________ ProPoc V2 PROF, HyperPoc PROF, PicPoc, MusiPoc LITE S3a OfficePak: ProPoc V2 PROF, RepPoc PROF, F11, PocView _______ A$159.00 ________ S3a CreativPak: PicPoc, MusiPoc PROF, PocView _______ A$ 79.00 ________ S3a WordPak: _______ A$ 69.00 ________ RepPoc prof, F11 S3a ToolPak Toolpack for developers _______ A$ 99.00 ________ Includes Spy V1.3 plus: DeComp: Reverse translation for OPL applications. HelpText: Help compiler for Morpheus help server. Morpheus help and alarm server runtime license. SetUp utility runtime license. Tech tips. Postage (if we have to ship one or more manuals) A$ 6.00 ________ ___________________________________________________________________ ________ Updates: - Floppy with newest versions A$ 10.00 ________ (postage included) - any new manual ___ A$ 10.00 ________ ___________________________________________________________________ ________ TOTAL_______________________________________________________________ ________ FROM: ________________________ -------- | Please | ________________________ | affix | | stamp | ________________________ | here | | | -------- lichtbild pty ltd LPO Box 6011 Cromer, Vic 3193 Australia _ _ [D] +------ TO MAKE AN ENVELOPE, FOLD THIS PAGE AS FOLLOWS: ------+ | | | 1) Put other pages under this page | | 2) Fold [FLAP A] under, using line [B] | | 3) Fold [C] under, so that line [B] meets top edge of paper | [D] | 4) Tape at [C] and [D] | | 5) Slide in enclosures (cards, cheques, etc.) | | 6) Tape envelope closed | | 7) Affix stamp | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ [C] [B] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [B] FLAP A