Plotuw8 v.1.3a ============== Shareware proposed by Guillaume Dupont CompuServe ID 100740,1033 email: Key words: S3A S3C PLOT GRAPHICS STOCKS FINANCE HEALTH WEIGHT Introduction. ============= Track the price of your favourite stocks, compare their variations to an index, plot your weight, a temperature,... Plotuw8 is a simple and easy to use plotting application: record a variable every day, every week, or on any day you fancy, and Plotuw8 will instantly update a graph, automatically adjusting axis and scales to display all records. Plotuw8 allows to display up to 5 different graphs on the same screen, zoom in on a particular time zone, delete records between two dates... One can instantly create a new graph, import data from a text file, and update a whole set of graphs at once, or bring data from another application (e.g. spreadsheet),... Content. ======== The file contains the following: - readme.txt is this documentation - plotuw8.opa is the application file - plotuw8.rsc is a help file - sample.plo is an example - changes.txt summarizes major changes from previous versions. Installation. ============= To install Plotuw8: - copy plotuw8.opa to any \app\ directory - copy plotuw8.rsc and sample.plo to the \opd\ directory on the internal disk. - install the application like any other Psion application, by pressing in the system screen... To install version 1.3a if you had installed a previous version: - replace the existing plotuw8.opa (in an \app\ directory) and plotuw8.rsc (in the \opd\plotuw8\ directory on the internal disk) with the newly supplied files The graphs (.plo files) created with previous versions are compatible with version 1.3a. Files / disk space management. ============================== The plotuw8.opa file can be located on any disk, in an \app\ directory. When the programme is run for the first time, an \opd\plotuw8\ subdirectory is created on the internal disk. A plotuw8.cfg file is created and stored in the m:\opd\plotuw8\ directory. This file must remain in that directory on the internal disk. At the first run all the .plo graph files found in the internal disk's \opd\ directory are also moved to the m:\opd\plotuw8\ directory. The user is then free to create other \opd\plotuw8\ on other disks (not flash disks!!), and create new graph files, or move existing ones there. At the first run the help file plotw8.rsc, if found in the \opd\ directory on the internal disk, is moved to the m:\opd\plotuw8\ directory. The user can move it later to any other \opd\plotuw8\ directory on any disk. Operation. ========== Plotuw8 can be started like any other standard Psion application: - to use an existing graph, highlight its name under the Plotuw8 icon and press - to create a new graph press while the cursor is under the Plotuw8 icon. - to delete a graph, exit the Plotuw8 programme by pressing , highlight the name of the file under the Plotuw8 icon in the system screen, and press . Then confirm with . Press for help, or any other key to open the menu. The different commands are: - to create one or more new records in the currently displayed graph: key in the value and the date in the dialog window. Then press (to enter new records) or (after the last record). - to spot and update, or delete, one particular record. A vertical line appears on the screen at the level of the last record (adjust contrast with Psion-> or Psion-< if necessary). Move it to the target point with the arrows (plus or for speed), and press . A window opens. You can then update the record (and press ) or delete it (press ). - to delete all records between 2 dates. The selection process is the same as for "Zoom" (see Psion-Z under). - to display all records as a percentage of the value at one reference date. Useful to assess the relative variations of a variable, or to compare the relative evolution of two or more variables. Do the following: * open the graph corresponding to one variable, * press (see after) to display a second variable on the same screen, * press , * select the date at which both variable will be 100%, * press to see the modified graph. - to zoom in on a particular zone: a vertical grey line appears at the centre of the screen (adjust contrast if necessary). The selection process is the same as in standard Psion applications: move the line with the left and right arrows (plus for speed, or to reach the screen border), then anchor the line by pressing and open a grey selection window by pressing one arrow (plus or for speed), while is kept pressed. A special information window in the upper left part of the screen shows the limit dates of the selection. Press to confirm the selection. Press or to exit the zoom mode, or any other key to open a menu. - to open a window, where records are displayed (date and value, 8 at a time). Use Up/Down arrows, PgUp/PgDn or Ctrl-PgUp/ PgDn to move in the window, or Right/Left arrows to move the window itself. to close it. - to display another graph on the same screen. Up to 5 graphs can be displayed simultaneously on one screen. Press to display a legend. - to open an existing graph - to create a new graph. Use any valid Psion file name (8 characters max,...). - to merge another graph into the displayed graph: the points of the second graph become part of the displayed graph, permanently. The merged graph file is kept intact. - to save the graph under a new name. - to import data from a text file. Three options are now available: "Several existing files, one date": a typical example is importing the quotes of a set of shares, downloaded at one date into a text file, like quotes.cis obtained with ReadCis. Plotuw8 works from a "Labels" table, where one label or "ticker" corresponds to each name of graph (see under). The programme will look for one share in each line of text, looking first for the label, then for the value, in the columns specified by the user. In the case of quotes.cis the labels are found in column 1, and the last quotes in column 5. The file looks like this (the first 2 lines, which contain no matching labels are ignored by the programme): << Ticker Volume High Low Last Change Cur Updated ------------ ------ -------- ------- -------- ------ --- ---------- AIRP.PA 715 797.000 786.000 792.000 +2.000 FRF 5:00 CET ACCP.PA 616 633.000 623.000 626.000 -3.000 FRF 5:00 CET AXAF.PA 2684 314.800 310.700 313.200 +1.600 FRF 5:00 CET CCFP.PA 1034 233.600 231.100 232.900 +1.400 FRF 4:59 CET EUTL.PA 36437 7.900 7.700 7.800 +0.100 FRF 5:00 CET LAFP.PA 2786 305.900 300.000 302.800 -0.800 FRF 5:00 CET TOTF.PA 3369 408.000 401.500 405.500 -0.500 FRF 5:00 CET TFFP.PA 92 573.000 560.000 569.000 +5.000 FRF 5:00 CET CGEP.PA 2676 451.400 444.200 446.500 -5.000 FRF 5:00 CET MWDP.PA 55 465.000 459.000 465.000 +5.000 FRF 4:59 CET Issue: >> The user must answer several questions, before the import starts: * name of the import text file * date of the records * position of the column where the labels, or tickers will be found (column 1 in this case) * position of the column where the quotes will be found (column 5 in this case) * type of separators ("spaces and tabulations" in this case). When the name of the import file has been selected, its first few lines are displayed in a background window, where the user can check the structure, count the columns,... "New graph, several dates" or "One existing graph, several dates": In this case, once the import text file has been chosen, and a graph name has been selected or created, Plotuw8 will look for one record per line of text. The format for entries is: xxx dd*mm*yy xxx data or xxx dd*mm*yyyy xxx data where dd*mm*yy or dd*mm*yyyy is the date, xxx and * can be any non numerical set of characters, and data is the value (separators are interpreted according to the system settings). The following is a valid example of a text file for import, which will produce a graph with 5 points (assuming that the system decimal point is "Dot"): le 24.5.94 33.2 le 12.6.1994 ++++ 35.6 15/7/94 anytext 38.6 anything 20**08**94 37 25-8-1994 35 - to bring data from another application and create a new graph. Any text, which has been highlighted in another application supporting Link Paste (word, data, spreadsheet,...) will be brought in and interpreted in the same way as in the "import" option (see above). - to save the graph under a new name (one can do it before trying the next command "compress"...). - to "compress" the displayed graph: although Plotuw8 graph files are extremely compact, one may wish to "compress" them even further, in order either to save disk space, or to make them more readable. The "compress" option proposes to erase some points. One can then accept the proposed compression (press again), or cancel it (press ). After a compression, it may be possible to compress even further, until the proposed compression factor becomes 0%. - to edit the "Labels" table for import labels (see above). The table is displayed on the right side of the screen, and a series of command buttons on the left side. Note that there can be several labels for one graph name, but only one graph for one label... - Press for the help menu. Registration. ============= Plotuw8 is Shareware. You can use it freely during 14 days. After this period, if you find it useful, please register. Otherwise remove it from your computer. Registration fee is US$15.00. You can register on CompuServe via SWREG (GO SWREG. Registration ID: 10551). Alternatively you can send US$15, GBP10, DEM20, CHF20, or FRF70 in cash by mail. Send bank notes, no checks please. Do not forget to send your e-mail address with payment. Note that sending cash by mail is at sender's risk. My address is: Guillaume Dupont 25, rue Pauline Borghese 92200 Neuilly sur Seine France Upgrade from previous versions is free. Non registered version allows to plot 15 points only on each graph (although an indefinite number can be recorded). Registered users will receive via e-mail a registration code which allows to plot full graphs. This code must be entered in the registration window (, then ) exactly as mailed (spaces, upper cases...). Disclaimer of responsibility. ============================= Users of Plotuw8 must accept this disclaimer of warranty: "Plotuw8 is supplied as is. The author disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, warranties of fitness for any purpose. The author assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of Plotuw8 or any of its accompanying files". Last update 17 May 1997.