Filters ------- The native image format on S3a computers is the PIC format. To access other formats filters are required. All filter modules are stored in directory \APP\COMMON\PLUGS\ The Find File function depends on the filters installed in this directory and will only show files that can be converted. The file extension is the criterion for applying a filter: PCX files must have the extension .PCX PIC files must have the extension .PIC GIF files must have the extension .GIF BMP files must have the extension .BMP and so on At present the only supported formats are PIC,PCX,GIF,BMP (read and write). All filters support 3 dither options during import: - 2x2-dithering uses PicPocs 5 colour model. The result looks usually a bit posterised. Grey values are mapped to - solid black - grey/black pattern - solid grey - grey/white pattern - white If an image is placed on a black-only image the grey values are mapped to - solid black - black/white pattern - white - diffusion-dithering (Floyd/Steinberg) Grey and black dots are spaced to simulate grey values. If an image is placed on a black-only image only black dots are used. - no dithering The fastest import method. Good for drawings. With halftone images this option should be used when the image was already dithered. Grey values are mapped to - solid black - solid grey - white If an image is placed on a black-only image the grey values are mapped to - solid black - white If an image contains only <= 3 (2) colours, the filter will automatically switch off dithering, as all grey values can be mapped to solid colours. -------------- PCX The PCX filter can read the following formats - bitmapped images (b/w and 4-plane): - grey scale and indexed colour (8 and 4 bit). These files include a palette. - RGB colours (24-bit colour) The PCX filter always outputs as a bitmap with 2 or 3 colours. -------------- GIF The GIF filter reads the following formats: - bitmapped images (b/w): - indexed colour (up to 256). The GIF filter supports the following options: - local colour table/global colour table - interleave option Diffusion dither is not available with interleave. The filter will switch back to 2x2 dither. - GIFLITE compressed images (GIFLITE is a shareware GIF to GIF compression program that achieves further compression of GIF images using a lossy compression technique) The GIF filter outputs as indexed colour with 2 or 3 colours: -------------- BMP The BMP filter reads the following formats (compressed files are not supported) - 1 bit per pixel These files include a palette with 2 colours. - 4 or 8 bits per pixel These files include a palette with up to 16 or 256 colours. - 24 bits per pixel These files do not include a palette. Files from the following platforms are supported: - in Windows - OS2/1.x, - OS2/2.x format Compressed files are not supported (uncommon). The BMP filter always outputs black/grey/white images with 4 bits per pixel with a palette of 3 colours. Black/white images are exported with 1 bit per pixel with a palette of 2 colours. Output is always in Windows format. -------------- Filter interface specification ------------------------------------------- The following chapter describes how to use the filters from OPL applications. This allows you to load and save BMP, GIF, PCX images from you own applications. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | License information: | | | | You are allowed to use these filters free of charge in you own private applications. | | You are not allowed to use these filters in commercial applications or to | | redistribute as part of your own application. In case of doubt contact us to obtain | | copyright information. | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORT ====== There are 2 import modes: - Open mode: The imported image determines the number of planes - Place mode: The application determines the number of planes ret% = loadbit%:(file$,selec%,mode%,acntrl%,ahandle%) file$ = filename of file to import (full path name with extension) selec% = plane selector (planes wanted) place mode: 1 black only 2 grey only 3 both open mode: 3 mode% = 1 place mode (create drawable that can be placed on target drawable) 0 open mode (create stand alone drawable) 16 diffusion dither (Floyd-Steinberg) 32 no dither 0 2x2 dither 256 importing process unvisible (for slide shows / background operation) 0 importing process visible (for normal import) You can combine these values. acntrl% = address of control area of the following consecutive fields planes% = # planes (in/out) place mode: (in) number of planes in target drawable open mode: (out) number of planes in resulting drawable redfac% = reduction factor (in/out) 0 = automatic (selected factor is written back) 1,2,4,8 reduction by 1,2,4,8 clpx% = x-coordinate clipping ( use 0 for no clipping) clpy% = z-coordinate clipping ( use 0 for no clipping) clpw% = with clipping (use $7fff for no clipping) clph% = height clipping (use $7fff for no clipping) Use a negative value for clph% to allow for automatic clipping if an image is too large. The actual clip value will be written back to clph%. By comparing the new value with the original value, you can determine if automatic clipping occured. ahandle% = address for resulting drawable handle (out) return values: 0 normal termintation <0 abnormal termination - 119 resulting drawable too small (height or width = 0) - 43 resulting drawable too large (> 256000 pixels) - 256 nothing to import (e.g. grey selected, but b&w image) - 114 user abort - 69 invalid file format all other codes as in OPL manual Exceptions: none Example (using the BMP filter): GLOBAL planes%,redfac%,clpx%,clpy%,clpw%,clph% GLOBAL handle% planes% = 2 rem we don't really need this in open mode rem in place mode this would determine the number rem of planes of the resulting drawable. redfac% = 1 rem no reduction clpx% = 0 rem clip area (0,0) ... (640,400) clpy% = 0 clpw% = 640 clph% = 400 ret% = loadbit%:("M:\pic\mypic.bmp",3,16,addr(planes%),addr(handle%)) rem load both planes, open mode, diffusion dither if ret% = 0 guse handle% (this is our new bitmap) endif EXPORT ====== savebit%:(newfile$,planes%) newfile$ file name (full path with extension) planes% number of planes in current drawable (1 or 2) The routine exports the current drawable (gUse). Width and height are determined from the drawable. return values: 0 Exceptions: Errors as listed in OPL manual Example (using the PCX filter) guse new% savebit%:("m:\pic\new.pcx",2) exports drawable "new%". This drawable must have two planes. --------- Contact Berthold Daum lichtbild pty ltd 21 Margate St LPO Box 6011 Cromer, Vic 3193 Australia FAX: +61-3-9584 9638 CompuServe: 100026,3365 INTERNET: WorldWideWeb: End of Document