Installation of PsiALife: Copy the PsiALife.OPA file into any \APP directory, and install it from the System screen using Psion-I. The s3asmobj.opo file must be copied to the \OPO directory on the same drive as the above \APP. The three *.BIN files must be copied to a \BIN directory on the default drive. All other files are, strictly, optional. However the program will require an "input" file to be supplied since it cannot create one. Since this file can be effectively empty a null file is supplied as PsiALife.lif and can be copied to any directory; the program expects to find it in a \LIFE directory and the system screen will list it if present. A selection of small ALIFE pattern files is supplied for putting in a \LIFE directory and more can be found on the World Wide Web. If run-time help is wanted, put PsiALife.RSC in the \OPD directory on the default drive. The PsiALife.WRD file is merely the same text in Psion Word format so that it can be read with only the built-in application, or can be printed.