Psicon version 1.0 ------------------ A PC Windows icon editor for Psion icons. I wrote this program because I wanted to be able to easily generate icons for various OPL programs which I write from time to time on my Psion. It is designed to generate 48x48 pixel two colour .PIC files as required for the 3A. It allows individual pixels to be edited in the three available colours - black, grey and white. I also wanted to be able to import images generated by other means. So, not wanting to reproduce facilities available in other, better programs, all psicon will do is import a 48x48 pixel 16 colour .BMP image. This must be in RGB format - i.e. not RLE encoded. I have used Paint Shop Pro to make these. When importing the file, the user is presented with a form showing the 16 possible colours in the image. Selections then need to be made determining how the colours are mapped into the Psion's black, grey and white representations. Apologies for writing the code in visual basic... it was the only suitable tool I had available at the time of writing. The program requires VBRUN300.DLL and CMDIALOG.VBX. I have not included VBRUN300.DLL because it is quite large and many people will already have it. It's available from numerous sources. Hopefully, operation of the program should be straightforward. i.e. select the colour you want, and click & hold l.h. mouse button on/over the pixels you want to change. Save/load buttons to save & restore files. Easy, eh? Enhancements etc. might be entertained for suitable reward. If you find this program useful, I am willing to accept beer money in lieu of your gratitude. Send a tenner to: Colin Hitchcock 17 Henley Wood Road Earley Reading, Berks. RG6 7EE email: Thankyou.