************************************************ PsioRhythm - Another biorhythm program for the Psion Series 3A (c) 1994, Mark Durrant CompuServe: 100344,1673 ************************************************ PsioRhythm evolved from my first attempt at programming on the original Series 3. It now offers display and printing of biorhythm charts for up to 10 named individuals, allowing you to note when critical "hotspots" are imminent. To install: Copy PSIORY3A.OPA into the \APP\ subdirectory on any drive. Use Psion-I to install it. To run: Select the icon. The first time you run the program it will ask for your name and date of birth, and start the data file PSIORYTH.ODB file in the \OPD\ subdirectory of your default drive. The rest of the commands should be self-explanatory, or are covered in the on-line help. Some detail on biorhythm theory is also available on-line. ************************************************ PsioRhythm is (c) Mark Durrant. It may be freely distributed provided that this copyright notice is preserved. I have been using the program for over 6 months on a 512K 3A, but cannot accept any liability for any loss or damage to any system caused by its use. Any feedback will be welcomed by the author. Mark Durrant, June 1995.