PSI-TACT PSIon-ConTACT Categories: Here is a complete list of categories in the following file. I have put this in because if you are anything like me you will hate reading large word files and just wish to do a find on the part that you want to know about. When doing a find include the quotes around the word. "Macros" "Installation" "Essential Files" "Non-Essential Files" "German Users" "American Users" "Getting Started" "Overview" "Menu's" "Moving Files" "Registration" "Tab" "Extra's" "Warning" "Mail Me" "Credits" All of the Menu functions have been explained. If you wish to find out about a particular function then do a find on what ever the menu title says in the Psi-Tact screen. "Macros" If you have read the Readme.1st file you should now be aware of Macsys and understand why there are macro files in this zip. It is NOT necessary to install the Macro application or any of my Macro's into the Macro file. Psi-Tact has in built code to find the macro's as long as they are in the correct directories, they will work as long as Psi-Tact detects the presence of the Macro app. (This can be on any disc.) For manual installation place the following into their appropriate directories. (If any of the following files are missing, then please report it to me stating when and where you got the zip file from.) "Essential files" þ Psitact.opa into \app þ JbSortB.img into m:\app þ Agend.dbf into m:\dat þ Find.mco into \macro\mco þ Fillagn.mco into \macro\mco þ Agnfind.mco into \macro\mco "Non-essential files" þ Psitact.rsc into \opd (Help File) þ Agnrun.mco into \macro\mco þ Sendcon.mco into \macro\mco þ Route.mco into \macro\mco "German Users" I have created separate macro's for German Psions, so if you use a German Psion please contact me and I will send them to you. Please state which version you are using plus which mail file attachment method you can receive i.e Uuencode or Mime. "American Users" I have created separate macro's for American users, these macro's use the standard US date format i.e Month; Day; Year. Please contact me and I will send them to you. Please state which version you are using plus which mail file attachment method you can receive i.e Uuencode or Mime. "Getting Started" Return to the system screen and install Psitact.opa, in the usual manner. (Psion I and left or right arrow till you find Psitact.opa, and then press enter.) Once installed enter Psitact. You will be presented with a dialog to complete, it is essential for you to select the Agenda file that you wish Psitact to work from. Once completed Press Enter. You are now in PSI-TACT. You can press Help at any stage for full in depth help files. My advice now, is to press Menu and just scan through the menu options familiarising yourself with all of the options. "Overview" Psi-Tact was initially designed with two ideas in mind. Firstly a Psion Management program and secondly a Contact Management program. It was never meant to be one or the other, it has and always will be my opinion that the software already on the Psion is the very best available. The only thing missing was some way to tie them altogether. This is where Psi-Tact comes in. I have taken this theory one step further by creating links to some of the very best Psion Shareware, plus not forgetting of course the Psion add on programs such as 3Fax and Autoroute. Psi-Tact enables users to create databases of contacts and at a touch create an Agenda entry pertaining to a contact, it can search Agenda for contacts or entries. It is Agenda that controls the Contact Management part however it is Psi-Tact (assisted with the aid of Macsys) which searches your Agenda. There are many other functions that Psi-Tact does including linking contacts directly to Multiple Word files plus Spreadsheet files. If you have any ideas for improvements or enhancements please mail me at one of the addresses below. I am always willing to make improvements. "Menu's" Files Menu: þ New File: Psi-Tact is a type three application, it uses different configuration files, you have already inadvertently created one as soon as you entered the program. Psi-Tact now supports multiple files, which means you can have more than one open at any time. Each differently named database creates matching configuration files in the \opd and the \ctc\set. The first menu option is New File, this will create and open a new database file, closing down the one you were just using. þ Open File: Opens other database files, closing down the existing file. þ Merge In: This option will allow you to merge in existing databases into Psi-Tact files. Unfortunately at this stage there is no way for Psi-Tact to read the labels of any databases that you are merging from. (P.S Anybody who shows me how to do this properly and easily will qualify for a free registration of Psi-Tact) þ Sort File: This procedure is supplied freely by John Boyce. Many thanks go to John for all his help. The Sort procedure uses the file JBsortB.img which should be kept in the app directory on the Internal drive. þ Export File: Exports Contacts to Word or Text files. Options include: Export all Contacts, Current Contact or Tagged Contacts. To tag a contact press "+" when the contact you wish to tag is visible. You can also choose which fields you wish to export. This function can be used if you wish to copy your Psi-Tact databases into the Data application. However to do this you must first export to Word and then go into Data and use Merge to merge the word file into the Data file. þ Open Expansion: Each Contact can be expanded, therefore attaching another database to a contact. Expanded files are not visible from the system screen. þ Upper Level: You can return from an Expanded file to it's parent file by selecting this. The first time you use this function you will be presented with a dialog asking you to select the Upper File. From then on the process will be automatic. Edit Menu: These options should all be self explanatory. þ Add: Adds a Contact to the file þ Edit: Updates a Contact þ Delete: Deletes a Contact þ Edit Expansion: This option will allow you to alter the file that has been selected as an expanded file for a certain contact. þ Edit Upper Level: Allows you to change the Upper Level file. Search Menu þ Find: Enter search string to find. þ Find Next: Finds the next contact from the given search string. þ Find Previous: Finds the previous contact from the search string. þ Jump to entry: Each Contact is numbered, this will jump to a certain number if you so wish. þ Find by Field: Finding is limited to certain fields and can be case dependent. Handy for quicker searching. Using the preferences option it is possible to set which fields you would like this function to work from. This function is restricted to searching only 14 fields. Unfortunately there is no way this can be changed. þ Find In Data: This uses a Macro to present a dialog for you to insert some text to find in any Data file. By default the dialog brings the current Contacts name, but you can write over it if you wish. Create Menu þ E-Mail: This function is compatible with the main three Psion E-Mail programs. These (if you didn't know) are: 1. Psi-Mail Internet 2. ReadCiS 3. ReadCiX It is possible, using the "Set preferences" to set Psi-Tact to automatically launch Psi-Mail Internet when this option is chosen. Otherwise a dialog will pop up with the following options. Address: Brings the Contacts email address. Subject: Fill in a subject. Autosig: Yes or No. (This will add a signature to your mail.) Edit Sig: Edits Auto Signature Use: ReadCiS, ReadCiX, Psi-mail Internet. Choose which program to write the e-mail to, if you choose Psi-Mail internet it will be automatically launched. Psi-Tact can NOT bring any information for use in this program. To use either ReadCiX or ReadCiS, press enter and write your message. All of the necessary dialog information will be used when using either of these two options. When you have finished just exit in the usual way (Psion x) and you will be returned to Psi-Tact, the mail will be ready to be sent next time you go on line. For the ReadCiS option Readcis.opa must be in \app\readcis. Also a point to note, remember only one outgoing mail can be sent with the unregistered version of ReadCiS. This program does not overcome or does not attempt to overcome this situation. Please register ReadCiS to receive the full benefit of this function. (Many thanks goes to John Boyce, once again, for the code necessary to convert the written mail into the correct format.) þ Letter: When first used for a particular contact this option will present you with a dialog for storing the contacts letters in. Then another dialog will appear with some options that are available for the letter itself. These options are: Letter Name: i.e File name Name & Address: This option will let you choose whether to insert the current contacts name and address into the letter. Start with: This is a choice of how you want the letter to start. i.e With Dear Sir, Dear Sir or Madam, Dear Mrs etc... Addressed to: This is the name to insert after the Dear Sir. By default the current contacts name is brought into the dialog but this is fully editable. Include Signed by: This option is a choice whether or not to include the "Yours faithfully" or "Yours sincerely" plus your name at the foot of the letter. Use Template: If "Yes" is chosen, another dialog will prompt you for the template name, when the letter is created it will use the template that you selected. When using the Template option it will NOT bring any of the current contacts address information. On pressing enter the letter will be created. Each Contact can have up to 21 letters attached. þ Note: Enables you to create Notes for a certain Contact. (Uses Word application.) A dialog will be presented prompting you whether you want to bring an existing file or not. You can select from four "Bring File" choices. 1. A word file. Opens a note bringing the text from a current word file. 2. A template file. This copies any templates that you have in the \wdr. 3. ReadCiS incoming mail file. This will open a note bringing the file Mail!.cis from the \cis. This is so that you can record received email from a certain contact. 4. ReadCiX Archive File. This will bring the file archive.txt. Again this is so that you keep any email from a contact. When in ReadCiX just archive the mail in the usual manor. If you choose not to bring a file, a Word file will be created, the file will automatically have the date and the current time inserted. The first four notes for the Contact will be recorded and can easily be viewed from the View Note menu option. Once you have created your first note for that Contact, you will see that there is on screen reminder of the note. There are other menu options to view and delete old Notes. þ Fax: This option will open Psion 3 Fax and Psi-Fax files. It will not be seen if you do not have the correct software. þ Agenda Entry: Uses a macsys macro to make an appointment in your chosen Agenda file. On selection, will pop up a dialog bringing the current contacts first two fields. Initially these are set to bring the contacts Name and the Company but you may have edited the fields, choose which of the fields you would like to write the Agenda entry for. You will then be presented with another dialog where you will see the chosen field plus several other options. These include: View:- You can select which Agenda view you would like to write to. Timed Entry:- You have a choice of timed or an untimed entry. A timed entry will stop in Agenda and allow you to insert the time, an un-timed entry will open your Agenda insert the text, then it will offer a dialog of whether or not you wish to close your agenda file. Entry code:- For un-timed messages you can choose whether to add an "Entry code" to your message. For timed messages you will have to insert the entry code yourself when the dialog appears. Choose Text:- Here you can select a small piece of text to write to the Agenda file. The file "Loc::m:\dat\Agend.dbf" is the file that holds the text on the "Choose Text" line, therefore if you want to alter the text you can edit this file. The database (agend.dbf) must only hold 1 record, but Psi-Tact will read the first twenty fields of this record. This file can be edited from the "Set Preferences" menu option. Edit Text:- Here you will see the field that you chose in the previous dialog. You may edit this if you wish. Send to Agenda:- Here there are 3 choices; 1. Send: Sends the message to Agenda 2. Log it: Which justs logs the message you just wrote to the Contacts log. (Accessed by pressing Tab) 3. Do both of the above. þ Link Spreadsheet: This will allow you to actually link a spreadsheet file to a certain contact. Use "Spreadsheet" to run the linked spreadsheet. View Menu þ Agenda: This will open or run your Agenda file. þ Note: Select a Note file for viewing and editing. þ Letter: Opens Letters for viewing and editing. þ Database: Opens any Psion standard database. þ Spreadsheet: Each Contact within each file can be linked to a spreadsheet file, using the "Link Spreadsheet" option. This option will open the linked spreadsheet file. Special Menu þ User: Edit your personal information, also allows you to change your Agenda file. þ Toggle Zoom: Swaps between ten available font levels. þ Set Preferences: This option pops up another menu with several options. 1. Default View: This option will allow you to set two extra start up defaults. These are Labels Hide or Show plus initial start up screen. 2. Preferences This will allow you to set a font via its name and set a Status window setting. (Settings altered with Psion z and Control-Menu will be kept on exit.) Also in this dialog is the Sound dialling configuration. Use this to alter the dial tone, delay and pause time. (Please note Status Window will default back to on if you are not a Registered User when you exit the program.) 3. Screen 5: This option allows you to set which fields you would like to see in screen five. 4. Find by Field: This will allow you to choose which fields you wish Psi-Tact to search in when using the "Find by Field" main menu option. This is restricted to 14 fields. 5. Psi-Mail Internet: Set Psi-Mail Internet to auto run when the email option is chosen. 6. Labels: This option will allow you to edit the two labels that Psi-Tact does not use in screen one, plus the two in screen two plus all of the labels in screen 3. The other labels can not be edited as they are used by Psi-Tacts functions. 7. Agenda Database: This option will open the Agenda Database. This database holds the text that is seen on the "Choose Text" line when creating an Agenda entry. 8. Contact's Log: Edits the small log that is accessed by pressing Tab 9. Dial Settings: This function has several options. Firstly you can enter your telephone area dialling code. If an area code is entered when Psi-Tact dials out it will omit the area code should the Contact be in the same area as your code. Secondly you can choose whether to use a dial out code. Thirdly you can select Credit or Charge card dialling. If you wish to use this option then it should be quite self-explanatory. Fourthly there is an option to "Auto add 1" to the dialling. This has only been included for U.S users who need to add the number "1" when dialling out of area code numbers. The "1" will only be added if you are dialling a number that does not have the same area code as yourself. 10. U.K/U.S Labels: This will let you swap the Town, County & Postcode labels to City, State & Zip. þ Set Reminder: This will allow you to set an alarm to remind you of a certain event. User's of Pelican's Alarm Server will not see this function. þ Alarm: This option will only be seen if Psi-Tact finds the Pelican Alarm Server. (Server.opa) It allows you to write alarms directly to the Server. (Many thanks to Mark Esposito of Pelican Software for the code for this function). þ Jump to Server: This option will Jump to the Alarm Server, unfortunately there is no way to jump back from the Alarm Server. (Feel free to mail Pelican Software to see if they can incorporate a jump back.) þ Run Macro: This option will allow you to run selected macro's. It will NOT run macro's that require dialogs to pop up. It will run the extra macro's that I have supplied. These are: A: Sendcon.mco: Sends the current contact to a database of your choice. B: Route.mco: Searches Autoroute for the current contacts town. C: Find.mco Finds the current contact in a database. D: Agnrun.mco Jumps to a specific date in your Agenda file. For further information on Macro's and how to use Macsys you will have to download the full program from the usual sources or contact me by email ( or contact Tom Dolbilin ( the author of Macsys. þ Exit: Exits program. System Menu þ Register: I was originally going to make several options restricted to unregistered users. But (on advice) decided against the idea and therefore just made two functions unavailable plus nag screens on entry and exit. Please Register to remove the nag screens. Registering promotes shareware and will encourage me to update this program. All updates will be free of charge to registered users. (N.B I do not guarantee to update this program at all, but crossing my palm with silver will help :-)) ) Please be aware that several functions will only work with Macsys and the ReadCiS E-mail procedure will only work with ReadCiS, please bear this in mind before you send me any money. I do not give refunds. Once you have registered I will send you the two codes necessary to unlock all of the features that Psi-Tact has. Please do a find on the word "Registration" for further details of registration. þ Expand Contact: Each Contact is expandable into another file, this will offer a dialog to create the expanded file. Use "Open Expansion" to run the expanded file. þ Check Agenda Entries: This menu function is unavailable to Unregistered Users. However you can run it from the "Run Macro" menu option. Just choose the file "Agnfind.mco" to run. This again use Macsys to check for your appointments. This option has four find options. 1. Search for the text that you have entered in the first field of the database. Which was initially the "Name" of the contact. 2. Search for the text that you have entered in the second field of the database. Which was initially the "Company" for the contact. 3. Check for a Psi-Tact created appointment Psi-Tact appointments have the symbol ~ in front of them. 4. Check for your own text. If you opt for "Edit own" a further dialog will appear where you can enter some text to find. You have the option whether to search the whole agenda or from the current day, plus you can search in different views. This procedure is much faster if you leave your Agenda file open. þ Delete Note: Delete's any of the Notes that have been created. þ Delete Letter: As for Notes above, except uses Letter files. "Extra's" þ Psion-Help: Brings Contacts phones numbers for dialling. Will dial through the modem. On the Psion 3c this option will cause an error if the modem is not present. I will endeavour to overcome this problem as soon as possible. The options were to put up with it or leave out 3c dialling. If you wish to use Sound dialling on the 3c then just turn the Link On and this will enable Psi-Tact to dial out by the Sound. Offers a Call List on completion. Call List has three options: 1. Note: On selection the Note dialog will appear, enabling you to log details of the call to a note. 2. Time Call: Will time the call for you. If chosen a further dialog will appear. Press Escape or Enter to start the timer. On finishing the call, press S to stop the timer, you will then be able to log the call to the Note's if you wish. (The duration of the call is not logged to the new Note.) Pressing P while the timer is running will pause the timer. Once pressed you can re-start the timer or re-set it. 3. Re-Dial: This will re-dial the number for you. þ Control-Menu: Remove or return the status window. (Registered Users Only) þ Help: Full in depth Psion Help file. þ "Tab": Pops up a new complete information dialog. This new dialog is an information screen in itself. Some of Psi-Tacts function will still work whilst this screen is displayed. However it is not necessary to press the Psion or Shift keys to activate the functions. These actions and keys are as follows: J- Brings up the Jump to dialog. F- Brings up the Find Dialog. G- Finds the Next string. P- Finds the previous search string. D- Pops up the dialling dialog. Space Bar- Also pops up the Find Dialog. Left and Right arrow keys- Scrolls through Database. The following actions are shown via buttons on this screen. A- Create an Agenda entry. N- Go to the Contacts Notes. S- Run any attached Spreadsheet. L- Select from the Contacts Letters. E- Edit an information quick Log. Other information shown on this new screen are as follows: -The Contacts first two fields. -The Contacts Work and Fax numbers. -The small log note. -The current Date and Time. (3c only) þ Space bar: Brings up the "Find" dialog. þ Enter: Scrolls through Contacts. þ Shift-Enter: Scrolls backwards. þ Numbers 1 to 6 go to Screen 1 to 6. þ Letter keys jump to the first contact in the file beginning with that letter. þ "Moving Files": Psi-Tact will work perfectly well if you wish to move files to other discs. But the small macro's must stay on the same drive as Psitact.opa. The JbSortB.img file must also stay on the M drive. If you move files and then experience errors please report them to me at once. Diamond key toggles between the main views and the list view. "Registration" There are several ways to register Psi-Tact. The standard price is œ15. However some payment methods are more expensive than others. These increases are due to costs that I will be charged. þ By Sterling cheque: Please send œ15.00 : Made payable to: Tony Crocker to the following address: 10, Doyle Close Drummond Park Erith Kent DA8 3QT England þ By Compuserve SWREG No: 14602. For this method you will be charged $25.00 þ By U.S.A Cheque: Please send $25.00 : Made payable to: "American Express" to the following address: 10, Doyle Close Drummond Park Erith Kent DA8 3QT England þ Alternatively this program can be registered by RegNet. The Registration Network. RegNet can be reached on the WWW at the following URL: or by calling 1 800 WWW2REG (1 800 999-2734) or (805) 288-1827 The specific page for Psi-Tact registration is: This method will cost you $37.00 (This is for credit card payments only) "Mail Me" Please report any bugs or comments to: or or P.S This is my first fully released shareware application, go easy on me. :-)) Thanks again. Tony Crocker "WARNING"!! As PSI-TACT uses standard database files it is possible to open data files in the \dat, by using TAB from the Open File menu option. My advice is to merge in the data file that is in the \dat into the \ctc that PSI-TACT uses, that way you will not corrupt or alter your existing data files. If you do open the data files that are in \dat, BE WARNED if you try to link or expand the contacts, the data record will be written to. PSI-TACT will overwrite any information that is currently held in the 14th to 30th fields. I take no RESPONSIBILITY for LOSS of DATA or malfunction caused whilst using PSI-TACT, whether registered or not. !!USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!! "CREDITS": Thanks to Chris Farrow (cxf@cix) for all his help, no doubt I have tried his patience once or twice. Thanks to John Boyce (Jbsoft) for the code for converting word files to a format suitable for ReadCiX and ReadCiS as well as the code for the sort routine. Thanks to Tom Dolbilin ( for the most excellent Macsys. Thanks to Mark Esposito of Pelican Software for the code to access the Alarm Server. Thanks to David Keppler for allowing me to use some of his work for the E-Mail procedure. Thanks to my ALPHA TESTER: David Griffiths (dagriffiths@cix). Whose help was invaluable in the shaping of Psi-Tact into the program it is. (Blame him, not me!) And finally thanks to my BETA TESTER Ted Jones (tj@cix)