PSIONWPDATAFILEêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêê à":‚.ÆAr ¶3ÐÐÿÿðððROM::HPDJ.WDR%PPBTBody text €ððð Рp@ à°€PHAHeading A €ààðРp@ à°€PHBHeading B €ððxРp@ à°€PBLBulleted list ÿÿðÐhðð Рp@ à°€NNNormal ÿÿUUUnderline ÿÿBBBold ÿÿIIItalic ÿÿEESuperscript ÿÿSSSubscript ÿÿàPsiTeach Overview-----------------The file Overview.dbf is a slide presentation created in Slide 2.7It introduces PsiTeach, a proposedinformation service for teachers and students who use Psions for education.Unzip the contents to any disk,preserving locations. Slide.opashould be in /app/, and overview.dbfshould be in /slides/. Install Slideusing psion-I, and press enter on thehighlighted overview file.PsiTeach (c) 1998 Stuart ZBTNNBTNN"BTNN"BTNN#BTNN&BTNN'BTNN BTNN!BTNN%BTNN&BTNN&BTNNBTNNBTNNBTNN