; ; Setup file for the AEA PK232 ; ; Start with the flow control stuff. ; If we don't, there is the possibility ; the session might lock up immediately. ; ; We must have RTS/CTS handshake. ; XFLOW OFF FLOW OFF XON $00 XOFF $00 START $00 STOP $00 TRFLOW OFF ; ; Set character formats, and any other ; formatting that the PK232 might fool ; us with. ; OPMODE PACKET ; AWLEN 8 8BITCONV OFF PARITY NONE DELETE OFF ESCAPE OFF ACRDISP 0 ACRPACK OFF ALFDISP OFF ALFPACK OFF CMDTIME 10 COMMAND $03 ECHO OFF NEWMODE OFF NUCR OFF NULF OFF NULLS 0 MSTAMP OFF DAYSTAMP OFF CONSTAMP OFF MCON 0 MON 6 ; ; Set operating mode ; OPMODE PACKET VHF ON HBAUD 1200 CFROM ALL CMSG ON CTEXT No PMS, & can't chat. TNC controlled by Psion computer. USERS 0 AX25L2V2 ON RELINK OFF CHECK 30 RETRY 10 DCDCONN ON CHCALL OFF ; ; The legal bits ; MSPEED 20 MID 180 MYCALL PK232 ; ; Set up packet timings ; HEADERLN OFF DWAIT 0 FRACK 7 MAXFRAME 4 PACLEN 80 PPERSIST ON PERSIST 38 RESPTIME 30 TXDELAY 35 SLOTTIME 10 BEACON EVERY 0 BTEXT ; ; Changes for PT V0.12 ; We nolonger use transparent text mode. ; 8BITCONV ON ACRPACK ON SENDPAC $0D CPACTIME OFF ; ; Changes for 7+. Without this, the TNC can change channels. ; CHSWITCH $00 RESTART