History of PuzWord: ------------------- 01/01/96 - 0.11á First beta release version. -------------------------------------------- - First beta release made to gcoxhead@cix & Alan Richey for comments. 05/01/96 - 0.12á First CIX beta release version. ------------------------------------------------ - Added in code checking to look for config file (\OPD\PUZWRD.CFG) on drives: M, A, B. - Added in code checking to look for datafiles in \APP\PUZWRD\ on media M, A, B. - Added in code checking to look for main screen (\PIC\PW_SCR.PIC) on media M, A, B. - Improved error checking. - Double checked key getting routines for problems - none found. - Used file locking only where needed allowing you to use DELETE to exit the game from the system screen. - Speeded up word hiding by 30%. - Turned PuzWrd into a $1002 the application whereby game file databases can be loaded by hitting enter whilst the system screen cursor is over the game file below the application icon. - Modified database naming window to clarify gameplay. - Fixed bug in word finding routines. - Changed menu keyboard short-cuts. - Revised documentation. - This version uploaded to CIX for comments - not for general release. 06/01/96 - 0.13á Second CIX beta release version. ------------------------------------------------ - Code added in supporting PAGE UP/DOWN, HOME & END. - Word locating bug fixed. - Code added to give status whilst hiding words. - Documentation improved. - Counter added to hiding word routines. - This version uploaded to CIX for comments - not for general release. - This version sent to official non-CIX testers; Alan Richey alanrichey@aol.com Barry Childress 73510.1420@compuserve.com 12/01/96 - 0.14á Third beta release version. -------------------------------------------- - Rationalised variables. - Added compilation data / time stamp to second 'About' screen. - Fixed the Psion-X bug when exiting in an unregistered version. - Moved position of help window to ensure grid is obscured. - Added in settings for - Diagonal Words - Allowed / Not Used. - Word Layout - Forwards Only / Forwards & Backwards. - Allow Crossed Words - Yes / No. - Replaced key indicator windows with instruction windows. - Changed back to a type $1001 application. - Long words are hidden in the grid before the shorter words. - Official beta testers; Gary Goxhead, Barry Childress, Alan Richey. 14/01/96 - 0.15á Fourth beta release version. -------------------------------------------- - Added credits window. - Implemented full class 2 application support (hopefully). - Updated code to reduce memory useage. - 'Fill' letters in grid now proportional to the letters in the words. - Hide direction now weighted to increase difficulty. - Added 'computer.puz' puzzle file. 20/01/96 - 0.16á Fifth beta release version. -------------------------------------------- - Improved looks of Top Ten Window. - Added code to prevent duplicate entries being added to .PUZ database. - Corrected flagging error in word crossing routine. - Word list now sorted alphabetically. - Fixed bug whereby first selection note window did not appear. - Added code to cross through lines once game completed or aborted. - Tidied up window drawing. - Tidied up dialogs. - Corrected exit bug. - When selecting the end of the word ESC now aborts first choice. - Tidied up 'Press ENTER' selection windows. - Added support for the status window via CONTROL MENU. - Updated status windows. - gUPDATE used to speed up program. - Implemented additional status messages. - Status window setting saved to config. - PUZWRD.CFG must be deleted before running this version. - Fixed bug where file is not found if running application from system screen when installed under a group. - Letters now copied to grey scale before lines are drawn through the words (at game completion or abortion). - Updated documentation. - Elasped time window added. - Fixed end nagscreen CAPS buglet. 24/01/96 - 0.17á Sixth beta release version. -------------------------------------------- - Speeded up cursor movement. - Implemented use of diamond key to show unregistered status. - Documentation updated. - Seperate save settings menu option added. - Added initial registered message. - PUZWRD.CFG must be deleted before running this version. - Location of PUZWRD.CFG moved from /OPD/ to /APP/PUZWRD/ - Printing routines implemented. - Mask letters added to dummy grid for printing. - RS232 port configuration added. - All 0.17 code lost in a spate of disk corruption on the internal drive. Not a happy chap! - All the above routines re-coded. - Added abort printing routines to serial printer dialogues. - Added in printer error trapping. - Added in printing of game solution. - Status window set to type 2 when initialising game. 27/01/96 - 0.18á Sixth beta release version. -------------------------------------------- - Game end window buglet fixed. - Help system implemented via HELP.RSC. - On the final screen the letters as well as the lines are now placed on the black plane. - Removed internal help routines. - Revamped Database tools in menu. - Updated docs & help .RSC. - Added error trapping to prevent words of less than 4 characters being used in a database. - Added error checking to make sure that there are a minimum of 30 entries in the selected database. - Rewrote code for displaying the main screen picture. - Coded with OPP 1.2f - Removed the need for a main picture - revamped initial game view. - Reduced memory requirements. - Centred text in dialogs. - Rationalised variables. - Added initial pause before game start. 10/02/96 - 0.19 First official release. -------------------------------------------- - Fixed top 10 drive$ bug. - Fixed pixel line rub-out bug when word found. - Lines drawn after letters shown on grid when revealing solution. - Added 'Play Again' dialogue (not sure whether I like this). - Time window initiates after game start. - Finally got gXBORDER to work on the exit nag screen. - PSION N now trapped at system screen. - .RSC file spelling and other errors corrected. - Registration status now shown when application moves to foreground.