What is Puzzle Word 3a? ----------------------- Puzzle Word (or PuzWord) is a word search game based on the games commonly found in Puzzle Books. The idea behind the game is for you to locate 21 hidden words which are hidden within a letter grid of 17 x 17 characters. The words are hidden; forwards, backwards, and in all directions (- | / \) and can cross through one another in any direction. Words may also be linked, for example elephant and antelope could be combined as 'elephantelope' within the grid. PuzWord will also keep a record of the top ten game times achieved. Installation. ------------- Within this archive you should find the following files: \APP\PUZWRDxx.OPA <--- Main application. \APP\PUZWRD\ALIENS.PUZ <--- Ready made Puzzles. \APP\PUZWRD\ANIMALS.PUZ \APP\PUZWRD\BIRDS.PUZ \APP\PUZWRD\PUZWRD.RSC <--- Help file. \PUZWRD.TXT <--- This text file (reference only) If any of these files are missing then the archive has been tampered with and I should be contacted immediately. Once installed the main application will take up 12k of disk space, and when running will use aproximately 14k of memory. After PuzWord has been run (and a game played to completion) the following additional files will be created: \APP\PUZWRD\PUZWRD.CFG <--- Configuration file. \APP\PUZWRD\TOPTEN.DTA <--- Top 10 times data. Playing PuzWord. ---------------- PuzWord is now a type II application whereby the database to be used in gameplay can be selected by moving the system screen cursor over the file name below the application icon, and pressing ENTER. On running the program for the first time you will be presented with nag screens concerning the use and registration of the program. Once these are out of the way the program will present you with a dialog which will request the following data: User Name : Registration Key : Sound : [On/Off] Diagonal Words : [Allowed/Not Used] Word Layout : [Forewards & Backwards/Forwards Only] Allow Crossed Words: [Yes/No] Printer Type : [Serial/Parallel] Sound On/Off will toggle on and off various beep's and sound effects within the program when a game is underway. Diagonal Words sets whether words should be hidden in only the horizontal and vertical planes, or whether both diagonals are allowed. Word Layout specifies whether words will be hidden in the usual orientation, or whether some of them may be reversed. Allow Crossed Words, specifies whether words are allowed to cross; e.g: C S H P I P H O E N I X M or E L E P H A N T E L O P E I E M O N S T E R X A Once you have added your name, you may press ENTER to exit the dialog and save your configuration. When the configuration is saved it will also save the position of the Status Window (toggled using CTRL-MENU). On entering the main screen to the game and be presented with the main menu as follows: Game DataBase Config ============== ================== ============== Play Game ^P Change Game ^C Gameplay ^G Player Name ^N Update Existant ^U Save Config ^S Top Ten ^T Make New ^M About ^A Exit ^X '^' Indicates Psion Key. Play Game ^P - Allows you to start playing PuzWord. Player Name ^N - Allows you to change the players name from the default name which that detailed as the User Name in the system configuration. Top Ten ^T - Allows you to view the top ten games completion times (if the game has been completed at least once). Change Game ^O - Allows you to choose which .PUZ file you wish PuzWord to use for it's gameplay. Only puzzles with more than thirty words will be permitted. Update Existant ^U - Update an existant .PUZ file, that is add additional words to it. Make New ^M - Allows you to create additional .PUZ files for PuzWord to use to generate Puzzles. You will first be presented with a dialog requesting the name of the file e.g. animals, and this will be used to create the .PUZ file, e.g. ANIMALS.PUZ, within the \APP\PUZWRD\ directory. Gameplay ^G - Access the configuration dialogue. Save Config ^S - Save game configuration. About ^A - Cycles through the help / nag screens. Once registered these will change to give contact / support data. Exit ^X - Exit PuzWord. When adding words into a Puzzle file Puzzle Word will not allow words with less that 4 or more than 8 letters. Gameplay. --------- Once you have selected the .PUZ file you wish to use for your puzzle, and have hit Psion-P to commence game play PuzWord will initialise the puzzle. This usually takes about 8 seconds, but if a .PUZ file is being used with long words (SFAUTHORS / ALIENS / SFWORLDS) it may take up to 40 seconds to hide the words within the puzzle. If this is the case a number of Grabbing Words/Hiding words status messages can be seen. This is no cause for alarm. ;-} Once the words have all been hidden PuzWord will beep telling you that a game is ready to start. When the game is ready for playing you will be presented with the main game screen which contans three windows: - Game Grid - the 17 x 17 grid containing 21 hidden words. - Word List - the list of the 21 words to be found. - DB List - Which shows the name of the database being played. Within the grid is a black cursor square which can be navigated around the game grid using the cursor keys. The object of the game is to locate each hidden word in the word list within the game grid, and to mark the start and end (or end and start) letters of thw word. Marking of the letters is achieved by moving the cursor over the letters and pressing the ENTER key for each word. Once a word is so marked it will be crossed out in the word list and removed from gameplay. When ENTER is being used to mark the positions of the words within the grid two key indicators will appear between the game grid and word list, these will appear with each keypress as an aid to keeping your keypresses in sync. The game is completed once all hidden words are found. At this point a congratulations dialog will appear and the game play data added to the Top 10 listing (if good enough). Pressing any key will then reveal the locations of the hidden words, and a further keypress will return you to the main program menu. When a game is underway the following keys in addition to the cursor keys and ENTER key are available: ESC - Will abort a game in progress, revealing the location of the hidden words. HELP - Will give a brief overview of available key presses. The countdown timer will be suspended whilst the help screen is being viewd. SPACE - Pause game. The game will be paused and the count-down timer temporaily halted. Pressing any key unpauses the game and allows play to continue. P - Print puzzle out to printer. .PUZ File tips. --------------- Due to the nature of the algorithms used within PuzWord if you use (or create) a .PUZ database containing long words (8 characters plus) you will find the following will occur: - Lengthly Grabbing Words / Hidding Words messages at game initialisation. - Words being limited to the following hide directions; | and -, or / and \. This sometimes makes gameplay a little easier. - Using words of less than 8 characters for 90% of the words within a puzzle database will generate the most complex puzzles. If anyone generates their own .PUZ files for PuzWord I am quite happy to include the files within the archive, and list you in the Puzzle credits. .PUZ Puzzle File Credits. ------------------------- ALIENS.PUZ - D.Brewood - List of Alien SciFiction species. ANIMALS.PUZ - D.Brewood - List of animals. BIRDS.PUZ - D.Brewood - List of Misc Animals. MONSTERS.PUZ - D.Brewood - List of Mythical Monsters. SFAUTHOR.PUZ - D.Brewood - List of Science Fiction Authors. SFWORLDS.PUZ - D.Brewood - List of Imaginary Worlds / Lands. COMPUTER.PUZ - D.Brewood - List of computer parts / terms. GIRLNAME.PUZ - D.Brewoos - List of girls names. Disclaimer. ----------- I can not accept any liability for damage to your Psion, or for loss of data, due to the use or operation of this program. You run it at your own risk. The program has however been coded to be as safe as possible, and I have been running it for quite some time with no problems occuring at all. Support. -------- PuzWord will be updated on an irregular basis, and in the future may have additional features added. If you are interested in the development of the program then please contact me via the following email address's: NeST: 90:100/106.0@nest.ftn Internet: dbrewood@cix.compulink.co.uk dbrewood@nest.demon.co.uk CIX: 'psion' conference. Registration. ------------- PuzWord is shareware. This means that if you use it for longer than 7 days you must either: Register the software, or delete the application from your Psion. Registered users will receive a registration key which will remove the nag screens from the program. The registration fee for PuzWord is œ10.00 pounds sterling, or the equivalent of œ15.00 pounds sterling if registering from overseas. Good luck, and I hope you enjoy PuzWord! Daron M. Brewood