************************************************ Quick-ICON - A utility for the Psion Series 3A (c) 1994, Mark Durrant CompuServe: 100344,1673 ************************************************ One of the nice features of the 3A is the ability to install groups from the system screen, and use your own icons. I'm no artist, and found the icon editors too complex for what I needed, hence Quick-Icon. It allows you to produce text icons in a choice of 5 styles, with one or two lines of text in a choice of 3 fonts. Q-Icon only occupies 641 bytes (yes, less than 1K!) of disk space, and is quick and easy to use. Installation: Copy Q-ICON.OPO into the \OPO\ subdirectory on any drive. It will then appear under the RunOpl icon. To run: Load the program. Enter one or two lines of text and then try different styles, borders and fonts until you like the look of the icon. Press Esc, and enter a filename for the picture. It will save the file with an extension of .PIC into the \OPD\ subdirectory, normally on your default disk. Using the icons: They can be used when creating new lists for applications, for groups or for your own applications. For more information, see the Psion documentation. ************************************************ Q-Icon is (c) Mark Durrant. It may be freely distributed provided that this copyright notice is preserved. I have been using the program for over 6 months on a 512K 3A, but cannot accept any liability for any loss or damage to any system caused by its use. Any feedback will be welcomed by the author. Mark Durrant, June 1995.