Quiz Lexicon for PSION Siena ---------------------------- Introduction ------------ The long awaited conversion from the PSION Series 3a/3c is now well and truly over. Quiz Lexicon for the Siena is now here, large as life and just as addictive. Design and manage your very own quizzes to be enjoyed by all. Full customizable and great fun to play. Installation ------------ Copy QUIZ.opa onto the \APP directory of your Siena There are several quizzes in this zip for you to enjoy Copy these *.qui files onto the \OPD directory Select INSTALL and the select QUIZ.OPA and youre ready to go Comments to Matt Thomas Email : mjt@mjthomas.prestel.co.uk WWW: http://www.prestel.co.uk/mjthomas/ Registration ------------ If you like this product please support the shareware scene and consider registering it.