Reminder for Psion 3A Palmtop Computer Designed and programmed by A. Wright. 1997 ***IMPORTANT, USERS OF VERSION 1.00 NOTE THAT SOME KEYS HAVE CHANGED!*** Reminder is a program to 'Remind' you of an important task every time you turn on your 3A on a set day. I have used my Psion 3A for a couple of years but it is easy to miss an alarm for various reasons. It is also easier to remember something if you are prompted several times a day. As a side effect Reminder tells you of a fact for each day of the year, plays a sound file and also offers a 'Quick-Note' function. Reminder consists of four files: 1, DAY.OPA 12k The main executable. 2, YEAR.DAT 15k A list of facts and storage for the set Reminder. 3, WEEKLY.DAT 0.5k Storage for weekly Reminders. 4, NOTE.DAT 1k A page of text for taking 'Quick-Notes'. Plus optionally, NOTE2.DAT 1k Extra pages for the Quick-Note function. NOTE3.DAT 1k NB Not all these files have to exist as long as NOTE4.DAT 1k they exist in the correct order. EG if NOTE2 and NOTE5.DAT 1k NOTE3 exist you will have three pages available. If NOTE2 and NOTE4 exist (No NOTE3) you will only have two pages available. (These files are not supplied but they can be created by copying NOTE.DAT) And if sound is required... SOUND.WAV 2k (Depends on your choice of sound) 1.WAV 3.5k 2.WAV 3k 3.WAV 3k 4.WAV 3.5k 5.WAV 4.5k 6.WAV 7k 7.WAV 5k 8.WAV 2.5k 9.WAV 4.5k 0.WAV 3k The total disk space used is approximately 28K plus about 42K if the sound files are used. Reminder should be installed as follows: Copy DAY.OPA to a \APP directory Copy all the other files to \APP\REMINDER on the same disk as DAY.OPA (This can be any disk but a flash disk will use space up each time you use Quick-Note or enter a new Reminder) Then use APPS: INSTALL to put DAY.OPA on the desktop. When first run, a credit screen will be shown. Pressing will send it to the background. When it is running the program will come to the foreground each time you turn your 3A on or select Reminder from the Desktop. At this point several keys can be used. 1. 'O' This key will 'De-activate' Reminder until the next day. It will also 'Re-activate it (You will have to select Reminder from the desktop). 2. 'R' Allows you to enter a Reminder for a particular day. 3. 'C' Allows you to enter a Countdown to a particular day. 4. 'W' Allows you to enter a weekly Reminder for each day of the week. 5. 'N' Activates the 'Quick-Note' function. 6. 'S' Accesses the sound options. 7. 'D' Allows you to alter the delay before Reminder returns to the background. 8. 'T' Will state the time using the WVE files 0 to 9. These functions can also be selected by the Menu key. N.B. If Reminder is stopped and restarted you will lose any countdown that is set, any Reminder will be recovered. Functions Reminder. Pressing 'R' or selecting 'Set Reminder' from the Menu will bring up a dialogue box which will allow the following inputs: Day Month Text After entering the relevant information press to accept or to cancel. On the set day the Reminder screen will contain a line that states: Remember: Countdown. Pressing 'C' or selecting 'Set Countdown' from the Menu will bring up a dialogue box which will allow the following inputs: Day Month Year Text After entering the relevant information press to accept or to cancel. The Reminder screen will then contain a line that states: Only x days until: On the last day the message will change to: Remember today. Weekly Reminder Pressing 'W' or selecting 'Set Weekly Reminder' from the Menu will bring up a dialogue box which will allow the following inputs: Mon: Tue: Wed: Thu: Fri: Sat: Sun: After entering the relevant information press to accept or to cancel. If text is input for a particular day of the week then on that day the Reminder screen will contain a line that says: E.G. Sat : (No indication will appear if the text is all spaces). Quick-Note Pressing 'N' or selecting 'NotePad' from the Menu will display the file NOTE.DAT which is a simple ASCII editor that allows you to take 'Quick-Notes' Pressing the Menu key allows the following: Clear. This option will clear the entire screen. Save As. Entering a file name will save the current page as a plain text file for use in the word processor or other applications. Exit Returns the program to the background. ( Also returns the program to the background.) Copy Copies the current line into a buffer. Paste Pastes the buffer into the current line. (Only available if copy has been used) Insert Line Inserts a blank line (Losing the bottom line). Delete Line Deletes the current line (Adding a blank line on the bottom). Draw Line Repeats the first character on the current line all the way across the screen. (On paste and draw line a warning will be given if the line is not blank.) Tab. This option allows you to change the number of spaces that tab moves with each press. Overtype / Insert Changes the typing mode to / from destructive overtype to / from insert. (This option will change depending on which mode is currently active) If the files NOTE2.DAT to NOTE5.DAT exist this option will allow you to jump to a particular file. The following keys can also be used: Diamond Toggles a status line at the bottom of the screen (Page Number, Overtype/Insert and Tab number) Up/Dn Changes pages up or down. Home/End Moves to the start of the next word. Up/Dn Moves the curser to the top or bottom of the screen. Home/End Move to the first / last word on the current line. Sound. When 'Reminder' is brought to the foreground, either by turning your 3A on or selecting 'Reminder' from the desktop one of two sounds will be played depending on the time. By default the following times will apply: Between 07:00 and 23:00 SOUND.WVE will be played. Between 23:00 and 07:00 the time will be stated using the files 0.WVE to 9.WVE Pressing 'S' or selecting 'Sound' from the menu will bring up a dialogue that will allow you to choose the following: Sound :: Time On (Time at which Time will be stated starts) Time Off (Time at which Time will be stated ends) (If the sound Files have not been installed this option will obviously have no effect) FILES YEAR.DAT This file is a plain text file that contains a line for every day of the year (Plus a few more!). Each line has the date (e.g. 01-JAN) a space and then a fact. This file can be edited to hold your own data. E.G. You could enter peoples birthdays or other events that occur on the same day every year. Each message has a maximum length of 66 chars. (The date at the start of the line is for reference only and not used by the program) IMPORTANT. This file must contain the same number of lines! Also if this file is edited in the Word application it must be saved as file type 'TEXT', afterwards use "Exit, lose changes" to exit the application. Do not use Psion-X or the file will be saved as a standard Word file and this cannot be read by 'Reminder'. NOTE.DAT, NOTE1.DAT to NOTE5.DAT These files are plain text files. If they become corrupted and cannot be opened by 'Reminder', you can recreate them in Word by opening a new file, creating 17 lines of 60 spaces and saving them as a 'TEXT' file. Then use "Exit, lose changes" to exit the program. WEEK.DAT This is a plain text file that holds seven lines of 66 characters, one line for each day starting with Monday. SOUND.WVE This can be any recorded sound EG the Tricorder sound from StarTrek. 0.WVE to 9.WVE These files are just the numbers 0 to 9 recorded and edited to about half a second long (You may want to replace these files as soon as possible as my voice is not the best thing to wake up to in the middle of the night!) DISCLAIMER This program is FREE and I accept no responsibility what so ever for any results of using it. (Unless it makes loads of money!) Feel free to pass copies around but do include all files and give me some credit. Thank you. This program has not been tried on a 3C but I cannot imagine any problems. If you have any suggestions or problems please let me know at: Tony Wright. Updates. Feb 1997 Version 1.10 Instructions not shown at the start (Use Help key or read this manual) The 'Set Reminder' dialog box now shows the last set / current Reminder. 'Set Reminder' input corrected to 66 characters. 'Proper' cursor added to 'Quick-Note' Tab works correctly. (Does not just add 8 to cursor position) Time start and end times adjustable. 'Stated Time' cancelled by Tab is adjustable in 'Quick-Note' 'Time-Off' delay adjustable. System icon added Cannot be left in Quick-Note accidentally (When system key is pressed or another application is brought to the foreground, 'Quick-Note' is cancelled) Weekly alarm added Month input for Reminder & Countdown changed from number to abbreviation ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ March 1997 Version 1.20 Editing commands added (Copy, Paste, Insert, Delete, Draw line). Backspace now moves all chars after the cursor to the left. Insert or Overtype now selectable. Warning added for Clear Screen. Status line added. Multiple pages available for Quick-Note. Year 2000 fix for countdown!!! (I can't believe I forgot this and nobody mentioned it) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Thank you to: Jan Carson, Kim Nielsen and Ike Ugwu For their feedback Finally a hint from Kim Nielsen "I have created a Word-alias as text only pointing at \APP\REMINDER. This way you can edit both DAT files and exit with Psion-X" This is done by moving the highlight to the Word application and selecting menu [Special] : [Create New List] Enter the following information Directory for files \APP\REMINDER Extension for files DAT Icon Default Type Text Editor Save list as: Name DAT Disk (Which ever disk you have Reminder installed on. NB This is also useful if you save the Quick-Note files with the extension of .DAT (You could have a second list with 'Extension for files' set to TXT and save 'Quick-Note' files with the same extension)