Re-referencing Utility for Contact Edge Version 1.1 (c) Dr. Alan Hughes 1997 General This program is a simple utility for Contact Edge (*) users. It allows the user to change the references that Contact Edge uses on an individual basis. (If you wish to re-reference the whole file then consider using Ad Bosch's program CE-Ref). It will change the references in the company file and also update, as appropriate, any contacts and associates notes. As yet it will not change any references in your Agenda file. While the utility will check for duplicate references, and not permit these, it does not perform strict checking of validity otherwise - it is your responsibility to ensure that references you give are valid. Remember they can consist of up to EIGHT characters and may ONLY include letters and numbers. WARNING I wrote this utility for my own personal use. it is supplied with no warranty or guarantees. However, it seems to work reasonably well but I cannot ensure there are no bugs hiding around. I would suggest backing up your contact edge files (company.ced & contact.ced) before using this utility. Installation The program is installed by copying reref.opa to any \APP directory. After this install it on the system screen using Psion+I. Instructions Please make sure that before running this utility you have exited Contact Edge itself. If you try and run both programs at the same time an error will occur when the utility tries to read the datafiles. On running there is a short message - a piece of self advertisement - to be dismissed by pressing ENTER. The utility will then scan your discs looking for your edge files in the \EDGE\ directory. If they are not sited here the program will exit and will not perform. Once the program has located your files you have a few options either via the menu or by hot keys. These are pretty self-explantory but in summary they are :- PSION U Change the reference of the current contact. You will be given the option to back out of this choice and if the new reference you supply is not suitable the utility will inform you and not make any changes. Remember, references can be up to eight characters but can only accept letters and numbers. The reference you give will be converted to uppercase. PSION F Find a contact by searching for a string. If the first record found is not the one you wish you can choose Yes from the find again option which will appear. PSION J Jump to a specific contact by its record number. PSION I See the self-advertisment again (Recommended) PSION H (Or Help) Review the options and commands PSION X Quit the program. Also The left cursor key will move to the previous record The right cursor key (or Enter) will move to the next record. Information If you need help or assistance with this program please feel free to contact me at :- Dr Alan Hughes Rossendale Main Road Langbank Renfrewshire Scotland PA14 6XP email History Ver 1.1b Bug fix, now scans all drives correctly ------------------------------------------------------------------- (*) Contact Edge is Copyright TCS Ltd & Ad Bosch. This excellent contactmanager (which is freeware) is available at -------------------------------------------------------------------