RHOTHETA - the name refers to the (for me) mind boggling maths involved in circular triangles. RHOTH.OPL prompts for Latitude and Longitude (or in Great Britain you can enter the OS National Grid Ref NGR ) and then asks you for other lat/long or NGRs. It then calculates the NGR from the remote lat/long, or the lat/long from the remote NGR, and displays the distance in miles, nautical miles and kilometers on the great circle route, and the DIRECTION in degrees from true North. Useful if you are a radio ham ... actually. The program is rough and ready. It has nevertheless taken me about 8 hours to get it this far from a rather unstructured and undocumented BASIC listing I have had for many years. It could be a lot smaller. It needs a more friendly user interface. ...one day... praps. Carl Littlejohns GW8UGJ csljohns@cix GW8UGJ @ GB7OAR April 1993