Robots ------ This game puts you in an arena with a bunch of evil robots who want to kill you! They keep heading towards you, every time you make a move. The only way to escape is to take advantage of the fact that they are so intent on getting you they do not see each other. If they crash in to each other, they form a heap. You can then get other robots to crash into this heap too. Each dead robot is worth 10 points. When you have killed all the robots in one arena, you will be moved on to the next. Robots are represented by "+", dead robot piles by "*" and you are "@". The control keys are traditional, and based on the "vi" UNIX editor (so don't blame me: there's an aide memoire on screen, anyway): h move one square left l move one square right k move one square up j move one square down y move up and left u move up and right b move down and left n move down and right . do nothing for one turn t teleport: move to a random location. If you land beside a robot, you will be captured! w wait until they all die... or you do x quit this game If you use the wait command and survive, you get a bonus for each robot killed during the wait. But if the robots get to you first: nothing. Most commands warn you with a beep if you will be killed doing it. Only teleport and wait carry a risk. Here are some examples: + @ Move left: "l" --> *@ + + + + * @ Safe to wait + * @ Not safe to wait + + +@ + Must teleport Installing ---------- Unzip the ROBOTS.ZIP file, place the OPA in the \APP directory, and place the EROBOT file in the \OPD directory. The high score file will be automatically created in \OPD. The program needs the large screen of the 3a, so it doesn't run on a Series 3 classic, I'm afraid. I don't suppose it needs much memory though. Copyright, distribution, etc. ----------------------------- This program may be freely distributed provided that it is accompanied by this text file and the "erobot" icon. The program and accompanying files are copyright 1995 Andrew R MacCormack. If you wish to support the author, recieve a copy of the next upgrade to this program and register your high scores (which will be put on the WWW/internet) then send a cheque or postal order for 5 Pounds Sterling to: Andrew MacCormack 2 South Road Redland Bristol BS6 6QP Please enclose a return address: postal and email (if applicable). If you wish to register high scores then send me a floppy disk (PC format) with the \OPD\ROBOTS.SCR file on it or email me with a UUEncoded version: I will email or send a floppy of the next version of robots when released. Future releases will be at cost: disk, postage, etc. So if you have an email address you will continue to get new releases (if you wish). A WWW page on Psion Robots is available. The latest version should be available here, as well as the high scores: To do list: Preceding commands with a count Run to edge of screen command Safe wait Speed improvements Set starting level Auto teleport Screen update while waiting Any suggestions I recieve... Andrew MacCormack, 4/12/1995