ACCOUNTANT User Manual GENERAL USE ACCv1-04.OPA should be in the APP directory of an SSD or internal memory. Install ACCV1-04.OPA. (See Psion Series 3 user manual for details on how to do this) ACCOUNTANT will automatically save the current file in use if it has been changed. This will happen when you select New, Open or Exit from the Main Screen menu or the System screen. To change position in lists, use the left arrow key to move a column left, the right arrow key to move a column right, the up arrow key to move a line up, the down arrow key to move a line down. (The screen will scroll if necessary) Use the Psion key and Home key to move to the top of the list, the Psion key and Pg Up key to move a screen up, the Psion key and Pg Dn key to move a screen down and the Psion key and End key to move to the end of the list. Pressing the ENTER key repeatedly will move one column right and then one line down. To make an entry, move the cursor to the correct position and start typing. Whatever you type will be appended to the existing entry. To edit an entry, move the cursor to the correct position and press the HELP key. To delete an entry, move the cursor to the correct position and press the Delete key. When entering dates, the format must be day 01-31, any character, month 01-12, any character and year 00-99. For example 12/10/91 or 01/08/91. MAIN SCREEN Use left, right arrow keys to view all quarters. Menu selections New file Prompts for a new file name then clears current file in use. Open file Prompts for file to open then clears current file in use and loads new file. Save Prompts for file name then saves file. Print Select between printing sales, purchases or all. Select between printing selected quarter or all quarters. Sales See SALES SCREEN. Purchases See PURCHASES SCREEN. Set Preferences Enter VAT rate and Scale Charge for each quarter, or 0 if non VAT. About Displays program information. Print setup Select left margin offset. Select printer driver. Revert The current file in use will be cleared and reloaded as originally saved. Exit Quit the program. SALES SCREEN Menu selections Insert line Inserts a new line at cursor position, moving all lines below, including the cursor line one line down. Delete line Removes line at cursor position, moving all lines below cursor line one line up. Calc vat Moves the entry in the TOTAL column to the NET column and recalculates TOTAL and VAT. Zero rated Marks the entry as zero rated for all calculations. Normal rated Cancels zero rated marking. Sort Sorts by date all entries from the cursor line to either the next quarter end mark or the end of the list. Find Prompts for search string then searches from the cursor position to the end of the list. Positions cursor on the found entry. Quarter end Marks the cursor line as quarter end. Press the ESC key to return to the Main Screen. PURCHASES SCREEN The purchases screen is made up of two parts, to move between them use the left, right arrow keys or repeatedly press the ENTER key. A file can be created using the Series 3 built in database to store 20 of your most used purchases item descriptions. This is done by saving a database file made up as follows. Open a new database file. Enter the first item description, then press ENTER, enter the next item description then press ENTER and so on. This file must be named ACCOUNT.DEF and it must be saved in the WDR directory of either SSD or internal memory. To make an entry in the description column simply start typing, the complete description will appear on screen. If you have not saved a file or the description is not found, the description will have to be typed in full. Menu selections Insert line Inserts a new line at cursor position, moving all lines below, including the cursor line one line down. Delete line Removes line at cursor position, moving all lines below cursor line one line up. Calc vat Moves the entry in the TOTAL column to the NET column and recalculates TOTAL and VAT. Zero rated Marks the entry as zero rated for all calculations. Normal rated Cancels zero rated marking. Sort Sorts by date all entries from the cursor line to either the next quarter end mark or the end of the list. Find Prompts for search string then searches from the cursor position to the end of the list. Positions cursor on the found entry. Quarter end Marks the cursor line as quarter end. Press the ESC key to return to the Main Screen.