HEXEDITOR User Manual GENERAL USE HEXED.OPA should be in the APP directory of an SSD or internal memory. Install HEXED.OPA. (See Psion Series 3 user manual for details on how to do this) HEXEDITOR will automatically save the current file in use if it has been changed. This will happen when you select New, Open or Exit from the Main Screen menu or the System screen. Maximum file size 16000K. MAIN SCREEN HEXEDITOR will accept only hex values. (0-9, A-F) Each pair of values represents one byte. To change position, use the left arrow key to move left, the right arrow key to move right, the up arrow key to move a line up, the down arrow key to move a line down. (The screen will scroll if necessary) Use the Psion key and Home key to move to the top of the file, the Psion key and Pg Up key to move a screen up, the Psion key and Pg Dn key to move a screen down and the Psion key and End key to move to the end of the file. To enter a value, move the cursor to the correct position and start typing. Whatever you type will overwrite the existing value. To delete a value, move the cursor to the correct position and press the Delete key. The byte under the cursor will be removed and all following bytes will move one position up. To insert a value, move the cursor to the correct position and press the Space bar. All the bytes under and following the cursor will be moved one position down and a zero value inserted. This can now be edited. Press the HELP key for help. Menu selections New file Prompts for a new file name then clears current file in use. Open file Prompts for file to open then clears current file in use and loads new file. Saveas Prompts for file name then saves file. Save to cursor Prompts for file name then saves file up to and including the byte under the cursor. Change size Prompts for new size in bytes then appends the difference in zero's and positions the cursor at the end of the file. Clear Clears file, replacing all values with zero's. Save Saves file under present filename. Revert The current file in use will be cleared and reloaded as originally saved. Find Prompts for search string hex or ascii. Letter case is not ignored. If found, positions cursor at byte. Jump to byte Prompts for byte to jump to then positions cursor at byte. About Displays program information. Exit Quit the program.