ICONEDITOR USER MANUAL GENERAL USE ICONED.OPA should be in the APP directory of an SSD or internal memory. Install ICONED.OPA. (See Psion Series 3 user manual for details on how to do this) The screen is comprised of the drawing grid on the left, status line at the top right and the icon as it will actually look at the bottom right. MAIN SCREEN To change position, use the left arrow key to move left, the right arrow key to move right, the up arrow key to move up, the down arrow key to move down. (The screen will scroll if necessary) Press the D key and the status line will change to DRAW. Moving the cursor will draw a line. Press the M key and the status line will change to MOVE. Moving the cursor will have no affect on the drawing area. Press the E key and the the status line will change to ERASE. Moving the cursor will erase everything under the cursor. Press the C key and the drawing area will be cleared. While the status line reads MOVE pressing the ENTER key will draw a single dot and pressing the DELETE key will erase a single dot. Press the HELP key for help. Menu selections New file Prompts for a new file name then clears current file in use. Open file Prompts for file to open then clears current file in use and loads new file. Saveas Prompts for file name then saves file. Save Saves file under present filename. Revert The current file in use will be cleared and reloaded as originally saved. About Displays program information. Exit Quit the program.