Enigma Version 1.0a - A game of logic for the Psion Series 3 - Copyright 1993 Right Hand Software Ltd. Email: righthand@cix.compulink.co.uk 1) Description Enigma is a code guessing game in which you try to deduce a 4 element code generated by the S3. After each guess, information is provided to help you deduce which elements are correct. You can have up to 10 guesses and scoring is based on the time and number of guesses used to crack the code. Enigma includes a comprehensive help system which describes the various game setups and options. 2) Promotional Software Enigma has been released as free software to promote the Psion Games Packs (Part Numbers 1603-0039-01 and 1603-0041-01). Here's how it works :- Enigma comprises the main program ENIGMA.OPA and a function library RHSPBP.LIB. ENIGMA.OPA is fully functional but the library functions used to save and restore game settings and process highscore tables are disabled. HOWEVER Enigma will work with the function library RHSGPK.LIB supplied on the Psion Games Packs which enables all these features. So, if you already own a Games Pack - Enigma is a fully functional free bonus game. If you don't have a Psion Games Pack yet - go and get one! There's some great stuff and along the way you'll get rid of the nags in Enigma. 3) Installation & Logistics a) Promotional Version Setup Copy the files ENIGMA.OPA and RHSPBP.LIB to the same directory on the same drive (any drive is OK) and use PSION-I to install Enigma to the system screen. b) Game Pack Owner Setup #1 Copy ENIGMA.OPA anywhere you like and install as above. When you run Enigma make sure the Game Pack SSD is in drive A: or B: c) Game Pack Owner Setup #2 Copy ENIGMA.OPA and the file RHSGPK.LIB (in \GAMES\ on the pack) to the same directory on the same drive and install as above. Note - on start up Enigma looks for a function library in the following sequence. i) RHSGPK.LIB in the directory where ENIGMA.OPA resides ii) LOC::A:\GAMES\RHSGPK.LIB iii) LOC::B:\GAMES\RHSGPK.LIB iv) RHSPBP.LIB in the directory where ENIGMA.OPA resides If none of these are found, the game aborts. Note - as with other Game Pack games (when used with RHSGPK.LIB), Enigma saves various setup options and highscores to a file called ENIGMA.INI. If the drive from which Enigma was launched can be written to and is not a FLASH SSD, the .INI file will be created in a \ENIGMA\ directory under the directory from which the program was launched. Alternatively, the .INI file will be created in LOC::M:\GPK\ 4) Terms & Conditions a) Enigma comprises the files ENIGMA.OPA, RHSPBP.LIB and this file ENIGMA.TXT. Enigma is copyright material of Right Hand Software Ltd. and all ownership rights are retained. b) You may use and distribute Enigma only in accordance with the terms and conditions stated here. c) You may NOT modify Enigma in any way. d) You may distribute Enigma only provided that : i) All the original files are included (in particular these terms and conditions). ii) NO charge is made other than to cover the fair and reasonable costs of distribution. Any other commercial distribution of Enigma requires a commercial distributors license - contact Right Hand Software Ltd. at :- 4 Laybourne House, Admirals Way, Waterside, London E14 9UH, UK e) While appropriate care has been taken in the creation of Enigma, Right Hand Software Ltd. does not warrant that the software is error free. Indeed, Right Hand Software Ltd. disclaims all and any warranties relating to the software. f) Under no circumstances shall Right Hand Software Ltd. be liable for consequential, incidental or indirect damages of any kind arising from the use of the Enigma software.