SaleTrax Version 1.55 Shareware Copyright Chris Nicholson - September 1996 - November 1997 Please mail all suggestions, comments or details of problems to me at Visit my web site at for all the latest information and updates on my programs. A very versatile contact manager whose features include: Allows simple updating from main PC programs by retaining links to Word files The ability to link 6 records to one primary Attach a note file to each record Attach a Sheet file to each record Stores action, visit and call dates Monitors and prompts recalls requiring attention 4 user defined fields Reporting based on calls, visits or actions Tag records to allow easy viewing of selected contacts Dial from the system screen Includes a macro to copy due actions to Agenda Import facility REGISTRATION SaleTrax V1.55 is shareware. You can use it free for 21 days, after this it must be registered. Until you receive your registration code each file is restricted to 40 records. This software represents many hours of programming, so if you like it please register. SaleTrax V1.55 can be registered in two ways. . Compuserve On-line registration ($20) via "Go Swreg" SWREG ID = 13077 . By Mail, send a cheque for £12, made payable to Chris Nicholson, to 26 The Elms Hertford Herts SG13 7UX England DISCLAIMER No responsibility is accepted by the author for any loss of data, however caused, by the use or misuse of SaleTrax. The responsibility for any consequences of installation or use rest solely with the user. No warranties or guarantees of any kind are implied. The author accepts absolutely no responsibility for any decisions formulated using information provided by SaleTrax. DISTRIBUTION SaleTrax V1.50 is freely distributable to anyone so long as it is distributed in UNMODIFIED FORM along with this unmodified readme file, and that no further fees are charged. FILES Saletrax.opa Any drive :\app Program file Sale1.opo Any drive :\app\saletrax Program file Sale2.opo Any drive :\app\saletrax Program file Jbsortb.img Internal M:\app Program file (courtesy of John Boyce) Optional files Salehelp.rsc Internal M:\app\saletrax Help file Stx2agn.mco Internal M:\macro\mco Macro INSTALLATION (New Users) Copy the file Saletrax.opa to directory \app on any drive. Copy Sale1.opo and Sale2.opo to the directory \app\saletrax on any drive. Copy Jbsortb.img to the directory M:\app on the internal drive. If you want to use the online help then install the file Salehelp.rsc to the directory M:\app\saletrax on the internal drive. I have provided a macro that greatly increases the versatility of Saletrax by copying all actions for the day it is activated to Agenda. The macro is written for MacSys and for its installation you should refer to your MacSys help file. It should only be run once a day because it cannot detect if it has already copied information over. I find that the most convienient way is to set up an Alarm in Server and instruct it to run the macro everyday at 6.00am. Then install on the system screen using Psion-I. HISTORY Version 1.55 Removal of flashing dialogs Faster listing Improved screen information Minor bug fixes and improvements Version 1.50 Faster special listing Changed 2 fields to user defined Improved macro for daily transfer to Agenda Removed most Nag screens Added Save As feature and compress Plus many more minor fixes Version 1.40 Improved preferences to allow manual naming of Word files Re-written to a multi file setup like Word and Data Improved speed of operation Many minor bug fixes Version 1.30 Added import facility Improved memory usage Increased length of 4th user field Minor bug fixes Version 1.21 Minor bug fixes Version 1.20 Initial release Getting Started On using the program for the first time, you will automatically be presented with the add entry dialog box. You have to input at least one contact before the program will continue. Once you have saved this first record the screen switches to list view and all of the programs menu options are available. File Management SaleTrax can now support multiple files, like Word and Sheet, so that if required you can divide your information into different categories. To create a new file from the system screen put the cursor under the SaleTrax icon and press Psion-N, you will then be prompted for a new file name. Once this is completed SaleTrax will start with this as the current file. To start using an existing file place the cursor under the SaleTrax icon on the system screen and scroll down to the required file, then press enter. Adding Records Primary records are added by using Psion-A. To add a Secondary linked record, go to the Primary record that you want to link it too and press the corresponding number (1 - 6) that you want to assign it to and complete the necessary fields. Importing Records You can import records from other Psion Data files by using the import facility. Select Psion-I and decided whether you want to import to the currently open SaleTrax file or create a new one. Then select the Data file that you want to import. You are then required to define the field layout of the Data file that you are importing. For example if the import file fields are in the following order; Company, Address 1, Address 2, Town, County, Postcode, Contact, Title Then you would insert the following numbers for the relevant fields; Company 1 Contact 7 Title 8 Address 1 2 Address 2 3 Town 4 County 5 Postcode 6 If you are unsure create a new Saletrax file and have a trial run, that way no data is damaged. Deleting Records Records can only be deleted from the main screens, i.e. not from a list view. Searching You can search for a record using Psion-F and then insert your search criteria. When the program finds a record with a field that matches this criteria you will be presented with an option box. If the selected details are for the record that you require then you can simply select this record or if not continue the search. If you are unsure then you can tag it and then continue the search. This allows you to build a tagged list of selected records based on any set criteria. Program control There are 4 list views and you can alternate between them by using Psion-L. To select a record from the list view press enter. If it is a Primary record you are first shown Screen 1, for a Secondary one you go first to Screen 2. To switch between Screens 1 and 2 use the Diamond key. To move between records in list view use either the up/arrow keys, page up/down or home/end. To move between records in normal view use either the left/right arrow keys or home/end. Records can be tagged to allow selective viewing or export options. To operate the tag option use the Tab key to turn it on or off. To select a linked Secondary record press it's relevant number key from the Primary record. To return to the Primary record use the Space key. Using the escape key will always take you back to the list view that you are currently using. Each record can have a Word note attached to it. This is activated by pressing the "N" key, in any view, You can then enter in any contact information and when you exit you are automatically returned to SaleTrax. Each record can have a Sheet file attached to it. This is activated by pressing the "S" in any view. When you exit Sheet you are automatically returned to SaleTrax. To dial from a record just press the "D" key, you will then be presented with the telephone number for that record. If the number is correct then press enter and the number will be dialled. The record number is shown in the very top window on Screens 1 and 2, alongside the screen title. To jump to a particular record number use Psion-J. Recording Contact Each record can have an action date and reference assigned to it by using Psion-R. Each time the program is started (unless this is disabled), it checks to see if there are any actions due. If there is or any are overdue, then an option screen will appear allowing you to list and work with just those records. Once contact has been made it should be logged using Psion-L. If the contact is the result of an action reminder then you can copy the details across without having to re-enter the same information. This dialog box also allows you to clear any of the contact field information applicable to that record. You are then given the option to add any further information in the records' Word file. There is also a macro available that will check all of the SaleTrax files and copy the name of any actions due for that day into the agenda file. Reports All the reports can be accessed via the report section on the menu. All reports are exported to a Word file so that you can amend and check the data before printing. Once you have selected the type of report that you require, completed the export file name and the filter dates you are given the option of selecting the information you want exported. The minimum export, (none of the boxes set to YES), will export the company name, contact, title, telephone number and all the contact details. If the report exceeds 80 records then a new file will be created and will be named as per the first but with a 2 at the end. It will do this up to a maximum of 480 records. Preferences Here you can change the screen prompts for the 4 user fields. You can then make the selections for your particular requirements and the system will then present you with the relevant amendment screens. If you have created a secondary record and then deleted it, you can remove its' reference from the primary record by amending the link field. You can also manually link records by entering the relevant information assigned to the number key of you choice (do not forget that the file is linked to the contact name and not the company name). If you do not want to use the linking then you could always use the six number links to store general record information. All you need to do is enter the information via the preferences menu option.