Saytime 1.0 ----------- Installation Extract the contents of the distribution archive, either: a) Direct to the S3a using Unzip there, across the serial link: Command line: rem::c:\download\ Initial path: m:\ b) To a temporary directory on a PC, using 'pkunzip -d'. Then copy the files over by your preferred method. This will place the required files in the appropriate directories, and some supplementary ones (which can be deleted) in the WRD directory - in particular: \img\saytime.img \wve\[0-9].wve \wrd\saytime.txt (this file, can be zapped) \wrd\saytime.c (can be zapped) \wrd\ (can be zapped) Operation Use the System button to refresh the file list, if necessary. 'Saytime' will appear under the RunImg icon. Key ENTER on it to activate. To de-activate, key DELETE on its bolded name and confirm the exit, as usual. When active, Saytime will declare the time when the S3a is switched on, or when ENTER is keyed on its bolded name under RunImg. Saytime runs at a low priority, so it will yield to other operations in progress. Try hitting the left/right arrow keys repeatedly after switch-on, for example. Customisation Record your own dulcet tones in place of my hoary raspings. Sound files are located in the \WVE directory. This can be on any drive; The system searches for them in drive order: M (internal), A, B. Files of a half-second length are suitable for time digits. C source is included (all 60 lines of it), together with a TopSpeed project file, in the same directory as this release note. Status 'Saytime' is freeware and may be used and distributed without hindrance, provided no fee is charged for it. It uses minimal system resources and is not crippled in any way. --------------------------- David Palmer Edinburgh, Scotland February 1996