SBU Selective Archiving Program for Psion Series 3a February 26th, 1996 Backing up your Psion and its SSDs can be a time-consuming process. I required a method of saving copies of all my data files (OPL, CAP, DBF, PIC, WRD, TXT etc., etc.) to my PC on a regular basis. I did not need to keep copying the program (APP, IMG, OPA, etc.) files each time, as I have all these archived in any case. I also needed control over the destination directories. So SBU was born. This simple program was designed to do a selective backup of all my changing files to the PC. Here the files are zipped up for posterity(!) into a single file. Thus if I ever need to look at say, some OPL code in its early stages, I have it stored somewhere. (Whether I can find it is another matter!) ARCHIVE CONTENTS SBU.OPO The program file SBU.TXT This file EDIT_TXT.ALS ASCII Editor alias file SBU_CFG.TXT Sample configuration file SBU 1.2 This is an upgrade which allows up to 99 different options to be stored in one configuration file. SBU consists of two files, SBU.OPO and SBU_CFG.TXT which are kept in the usual places, SBU.OPO in any \OPO\ directory, and SBU_CFG.TXT in the M:\TXT\ directory. SBU.OPO is supplied in this archive, and you can make SBU_CFG.TXT in the following way: 1. If you do not already have an M:\TXT\ directory, make one from the system screen by pressing Psion and the + key together. Type \TXT into the dialog, and set the disk to INTERNAL. Press Enter. 2. You can also copy the file EDITOR.ALS, from the archive, to an \APP directory. Install this in the usual way (Psion-I). This will provide an ascii text editor, which reads/writes to the \TXT directory by default. 3. Create the configuration file by highlighting the Editor icon on the system screen, and press Psion-N. Type in SBU_CFG and ensuring the disk is set to INTERNAL, press Enter. RULES for the file SBU_CFG.TXT (See the example later in this document). i) All lines should start at the left margin, i.e. there should be no leading tabs or spaces. ii) You can write a title on the first line(s), as long as the first character is a normal letter. iii) Write down a title for each configuration, you can have up to 99 different options. Each title should start with a # (hash) and can have up to 25 letters. These titles will appear in a dialog when you run SBU. These titles should be on consecutive lines for clarity. Note that there is a limit here: the total length of all the titles, plus the number of titles, must add up to a maximum of 255. (If you have 20 titles, their total length should not exceed 235, i.e. 255 minus 20). iv) After the final title, add a line like: #End v) For each title, now add a section starting: #n and ending: #End where n = 1 for the first option, 2 for the second, etc. For each option, add the source filespec and destination directory as follows: LOC::M:\OPL\*.OPL,REM::C:\SBU\OPL\ The "Source" part should hold a full path and file name, Wildcards are OK. You should specify the device and drive. You will need a record for each directory to be archived. The "Destination" part should hold the full path name for the destination directory. This should end in a backslash "\". If the "Destination" directory does not exist, SBU will attempt to make it. This has been tested with RCOM and PsiWin on a PC, but there is a possibility it may not work with other host link applications. If in doubt, make sure that the destination exists. The source and destination parts should be separated by a comma. There is a limit of 30 source/desination specifications. Let me know if you need more. vi) You can separate each section by a blank line for clarity. vii) If you do not wish to see SBU_CFG.TXT in the text editor file list, you can rename it to SBU_CFG. i.e. remove the TXT extension. If using RENAME FILE from the system screen, do not forget to add a dot after the name, i.e. "SBU_CFG.". So you can see that you can copy the files in each Psion directory to anywhere on your PC (or MAC, ST, Amiga, or even Psion SSD). You can copy all the files on your Psion to the same destination directory, or use a different destination for each type of file. The files in the same Psion directory can be split up into different destinations if required. USING SBU Highlight SBU under the RunOpl icon, and press Enter. A list of the option titles will appear on the screen, and a dialog will aloow you to select one of them. You can press escape to exit here, or at any time during the copying process. COPYING OPEN FILES If a file is in use while SBU is running, it will ignore that file, and report the problem on the screen. It will continue with the next file. Similarly if a source or destination is not found, this will be reported, but the program will continue. If you wish to copy open files, You may find JBSTOPGO by John Boyce a useful work-around: 1. Ensure RCOM, SLINK, etc., is running on the PC (or whatever). 2. Ensure that on the Psion the LINK is OFF 3. Run JBSTOPGO, which will close the open files, and turn the LINK on. 4. Run SBU. 5. Run JBSTOPGO again, the LINK will be closed, and the files re-opened. If you are not bothered about open files, or do not wish them to close and overwrite the earlier version, use SBU as follows: 1. Ensure RCOM, etc., is running on the PC. 2. On the Psion, turn the LINK to ON. (With RCOM, type XSTAT on the PC to check that the link is established). 3. Run SBU. When it has finished: 4. Turn OFF the LINK and stop the PC software as required. USING PSIWIN SBU will copy files to a PC running PsiWin, provided the following change is made to the C:\WINDOWS\PSIONPRC.INI file: Edit the line: ENGINE=PRCENWIN.EXE -X to remove the -X leaving: ENGINE=PRCENWIN.EXE Restart PsiWin, and the Psion 3a will now be able to "see" the PC files when the link is active. NOTES TO VERSION 1.2 SBU does NOT change the archive bit on any files, nor does it write or delete anything on the Psion. Thus it should not affect the status of your regular backups. Consequently SBU should not cause any damage or loss to data on your Psion, but I disclaim any responsibility should this happen. It is recommended to run the Psion on its mains power unit when using the 3-Link RS232 Adaptor, in case the battery should fail during copying. You could also set the AUTO SWITCH OFF to "If no external power" (from the CONTROL menu of the system screen) to prevent the Psion from switching off during the process. JBSTOPGO by John Boyce, is obtainable on Compuserve and on CiX. If you cannot find this, send me an email. I disclaim any responsibility for any loss or damage due to using JBSTOPGO. SBU Version 1.2 is a simple program I wrote to do a routine task. It has no frills, but is only about 2k in size. Please email me if you find any problems, or would like to see any changes to the program. This version is FREE, and may be circulated in any way, as long as this SBU.TXT file is included. If anyone needs a Series 3 version, please let me know. Contact details: ---------------- Roger Muggleton Email: Packet Radio: G0HZK@GB7WIR.#42.GBR.UK SAMPLE SBU_CFG.TXT file: ------------------------------------------------------------------ Sample SBU config file. Titles (copy options) #All documents #All data files #All program files #All changing data #End Now the first option #1 LOC::M:\TXT\*.*,REM::C:\SBU\DOCS\ LOC::M:\WRD\*.WRD,REM::C:\SBU\DOCS\ #End and the second #2 LOC::M:\OPD\*.*,REM::C:\SBU\DATA\ LOC::M:\DAT\*.*,REM::C:\SBU\DATA\ #End and the third #3 LOC::M:\OPL\*.OPL,REM::C:\SBU\PROG\ LOC::M:\C\*.C,REM::C:\SBU\PROG\ LOC::M:\H\*.H,REM::C:\SBU\PROG\ #End and finally #4 LOC::M:\TXT\*.*,REM::C:\SBU\DOCS\ LOC::M:\WRD\*.WRD,REM::C:\SBU\DOCS\ LOC::M:\OPD\*.*,REM::C:\SBU\DATA\ LOC::M:\DAT\*.*,REM::C:\SBU\DATA\ LOC::M:\OPL\*.OPL,REM::C:\SBU\PROG\ LOC::M:\C\*.C,REM::C:\SBU\PROG\ LOC::M:\H\*.H,REM::C:\SBU\PROG\ #End ------------------------------------------------------------------