- 3 - “Score Card V1.0” for the Psion 3a What is it For? =============== I wrote this program thinking that it would be useful to anyone who wished to keep counts or scores or tallies of things. Rather than making marks on pieces of paper, or trying to key things into the Psion Spreadsheet, why not have a program which was purpose designed for counting things? I originally thought of it as being useful for counting sets of exam marks (e.g. how many were in the 30-40% range, how many in the 50-60% range etc.) Features ======== · Up to 100 counts can be stored in 10 banks. · Any score can be increased or decreased by any amount. · Any score can be increased or decreased by at most 2 key presses. · Scores can be stored in files, following usual 3a conventions. · Scores can be exported to "Data" or "Spreadsheet" directly, allowing analysis or further storage. · Score sets can be periodically snap-shotted to allow analysis over time (registered version only). · Import CSV Files. Installation ============ Using “PsiWin” or Rcom, copy the file over to your Psion’s “App” Directory, then use Psion-I on the System screen to install it. The App creates a sub-directory “SC” to hold score files and registration information Using ===== 1. When you first run the program, it will prompt you to add scores to the list - if you do not enter a name, it will default to "Name 1", then "Name 2" etc. You can also set an initial value for the score. 2. Press keys 1 to 0 to increase scores 1 - 10 in the bank by 1. Press Q - P to decrease the score in the bank by 1. 3. Set the increase / decrease values using Psion +. 4. When you have entered more than one bank, can use keys A,S,D,F etc to select banks i.e. pressing “A” selects Bank 1, pressing “S” selects bank 2 and so on. 5. Use cursor keys to move score selector. Currently selected score 6. indicate by “>”. You can use enter to increase the currently selected score and TAB to decrease it, provided you have pressed Psion-P to enable Enter / TAB scoring. 7. The currently selected score can be “locked” or “unlocked” by pressing Psion-K, to prevent accidental changes. 8. Press Psion-D to change title and subtitle of scorecard. Saving and Loading ================== 1. Follows the usual Psion Conventions - Psion-S will save current set of scores, Psion-A is “Save As”, Psion-O is “open new file” etc. If you have not set titles for your ScoreCard when you save, you will be prompted to enter them. 2. Scores can be Imported from a CSV file (Name, Score - 1 per line) - Press Psion-I 3. Scores can be exported to a DIF file (loads straight into the Spreadsheet) or a CSV file (load into Data). This is done from the “Save As” Dialogue. Registering =========== If you find this program useful, sending £5 sterling will register you and give you a fully working version, with logging enabled. Sending £10 or more will get you a printed manual and the latest version of the program on disk. Please send registration, bug reports(?) comments to: Andrew Johnson, 26 Sisley Avenue, Stapleford, Nottingham, NG9 7HT. UK. e-mail: ad.johnson@ukonline.co.uk Registering from Outside the UK 1. Send a 5ukp note 2. Send a cheque drawn on a UK bank for 5ukp, made payable to "Andrew Johnson" 3. Send a cheque drawn from your local bank, but payable in sterling, to "Andrew Johnson" 4. Contact a friend in the UK and ask them to forward payment in ukp. Disclaimer ========== Scorecard is supplied “as is” and I cannot accept any liability for loss, or damage, as a result of using it - you use it at your own risk. You may freely distribute the files to other users, but please make sure that ALL files including this documentation are kept together. Distribution of reverse-translated source code is not permitted.