11/2/96 SCRAB.OPA - version 1.1b 1893 bytes 11/2/1997 Why Use SCRAB ? Do you ever need to print or export graphic data from your psion: SCREENSHOTS for publication GRAPHS from Sheet or Money MAPS from Mapper3a or Autoroute PAGES from Agenda or ANY other graphically orientated data. If so, you may know Psion included a screen grab command. All you do is prepare the screen you want to view and press PSION-Control-Shift-s . This works very well except that the screen grab is always saved as M:\SCREEN.PIC, overwriting any existing screen grab. This makes capturing a collection of screen grabs a chore (lots of re-running a file manager to renmae screen.pic). SCRAB is a ridiculously simple little OPL program. Once running, it intercepts any screen grab you make and displays a filename dialog. Now you can give the screen grab any name you want. INSTALLING SCRAB Copy SCRAB.OPA to an \APP directory Install it on the system screen with Psion-i HOW TO USE SCRAB 1. Run SCRAB. You will see it's name (under the icon) become bold. 2. Get the screen you wish to grab ready. 3. Press PSION-Control-Shift-s . A delay of about 1 second follows while the screen is grabbed. 4. Now you are presented with a file name dialog. You can; a. Name the file and press Enter to save the screen grab and return to your application. If you do not supply an extension .PIC is automatically appended by SCRAB. DO NOT use the file name SCREEN.PIC - This is always deleted when leaving SCRAB. b. Press Esc to forget the screen grab. c. Press x to exit SCRAB. MEMORY Be warned, at 20k a time your screen grabs rapidly fill available memory! Therefore, use the memory bar on the system screen to kepp an eye on available memory or, if possible, save them on a RAM SSD. I believe any unexplained errors you encounter will be the result of low memory. EXITING SCRAB Either: 1. Grab anything then, when presented with SCRABS filename dialog press x. Or: 2. Select SCRAB from the system screen and press PSION-Esc Remember - SCRAB is running in the background. Don't exit it by highlighting it's name on the system screen then pressing . Use one of the above methods. SCRAB is copywright D W P Brown and is freeware. It was originally written for personal use. I hope you also find it useful. It is provided as is. No support is provided and no liability accepted for lost data, damage etc. However, if you have any suggestions for improvements or bug reports please drop me a line. SCRAB version 1.1 - Bug fix update, SCRAB no longer disables auto power off David Brown, Southampton, England david.brown@dial.pipex.com or 106272.2342@compuserve.com