See7 v1.0 Introduction Hello, and welcome to See7 v1.0. This program was written to combat the problem of time-tabling. Basically this program provides an easy reference point for the days' or weeks' forthcoming lectures etc. Thee program is simple to use and simple to install. The program can be exited due to the "boards" being saved out, so that upon reloading, the last entries inputted are still available to be shown on the screen. If you don't get this, then use the program and find out what is meant! See7 v1.0 runs on Series 3 machines only, in the background, and allows the machine to auto-switch off. It uses only about 24k of RAM although the help file is optional, which reduces the need to only about 20k. It only needs about 15k of memory to run. Installation The file contains three files. These are listed below: See7v1.opa : The program file See7v1.txt : This file in plain text format See7v1.rsc : The program help file Place the .opa file into the \APP directory, and install from the system screen. If you want the online help then put the .rsc file into the \APP\SEE7 directory that is created when the program is first run. Optionally you can create a sub- directory of the \APP directory called SEE7. This help file is optional though, so if you have a lack of space; you can remove it. Upon REGISTRATION; See7.reg is created in the \APP\SEE7 directory. This is the file used for registration purposes. In the \APP\SEE7 directory, the program creates 7 files: one for each day of the week. It is in these that the entries you input are saved out to. The program has been designed and tested on the internal RAM of a 3c only, but running it from a SSD should be okay, as long as it is RAM. Operation This program has been designed, and thus programmed to be user friendly and as such: easy to use. The operation of this program is pretty easy once you have run through it once. Firstly, the first time the program is run, there is a slight delay of about 2 seconds; as the files and directory the program uses, are created. Every time the program is run after this; the delay is less; being only about 1 second. A little message is displayed as the program delays. After this you are faced with information boards about the program, (in fact that it is share- ware), and a chance to enter the registration code. Pressing ENTER will remove these screens one at a time. When in the program proper, you are faced with the table screen. By pressing MENU you are able to choose the course of operation, (select day, exit etc). The DAY SELECTION menu allows you choose the day you wish to edit and then show. Due to the size of the screen, the entries you type in are limited in length to 45 characters. After inputting your entries; the program displays the selected days' "board". Just follow on from here to select the day you wish to edit and view, and then leave running or exit the program. Currently this program does not support printing of the "boards". Future releases may have this feature, but if you do wish to print the boards, and have access to the web, then out there... are some packages that allow you to "grab" the screen, and then print it out to a parallel or serial printer, or even through DOS. The author currently uses DRAW v2.84, a complete and very flexible drawing package that runs on the Series 3 range. The author is Rick Andrews, and many links to his web page are in existence. If you do not have access to the web however, and wish to print, then get in touch with the author, and maybe a comp- romise could be reached! Registration You are entitled to evaluate the program for 20 days, but after this period if you continue using the program; you must register it. Registration removes the nagscreens. Also it means you are supporting the shareware market; are clearing your conscience; and are inviting me to write more programs for the Psion Series 3 range of handheld compu- ters. Lastly; the author will offer free support for this program. To register: send a cheque or cash for œ3 UK, or $5 US, (or equivalent in your currency) to the address below: 5 Kenyon Rd North End Portsmouth Hants PO2 OJZ England E-mail: (for any comments, suggestions etc) GEOG6090@GEOG.PORT.AC.UK Make cheques payable to C.Holland,and include a letter stating your full address, e-mail if applicable, and any other forms of communicat- ion open to you, along with your full name, the version number of the program, and details of where you acquired this program. If you are yourself a programmer, then I may consider "swapping" the code for this program with a code for one of your own programs, should I find a use for one of yours; but obviously send me details of where to obtain your program. Legal Considerations The author is unable to accept any liability for loss or damage to software, files, or hardware that may result as a consequence of using this program. You use this software at you own risk. It is your own choice to make backups of all important data before using this package, but the author recommends it just in case!. To the best of the authors knowledge; this program is free of bugs and problems. However if you should find any bugs, please notify the author at the e-mail address listed in REGISTRATION section. Version History v1.0 : This release, the first release and the first "writing" of this program. C.K.Holland Jan/Feb 1998.