SHOOTING ======== By M.J.Horsnell (c) 1996 for PHPS --------------------------------- Shooting is a game of skill for the Psion 3a. The aim is to get as high a score as possible on targets using realistic rifle sights. Three rifles are available, all from the British Army: * The No.8 .22 rifle (L81A1) fitted with iron sights * The Cadet GP rifle (L98A1) fitted with different iron sights * The SA80 rifle (L85A1) fitted with the optical SUSAT sight You can also shoot on two different types of target. One is a match target, a 5 target sheet of A4 with a "sighter" - a practice target, and the other is a Fig. 11 target, as used by the Army, which is a picture of a man running towards you. Installing ---------- Copy all the .PIC files included into \OPD in the internal disk, and copy the .OPA file into \APP. Install the game onto the system screen using the Psion-I keypress. Instructions ------------ When first running the game you will get asked whether you want moving or still targets. Moving targets move randomly and are hard to hit. Still targets are good for beginners to practice on! Then you will be asked for the accuracy level. High accuracy means that the "rifle sights" on the screen will move, simulating human "wobble" that happens when you use a rifle! Low accuracy means the sights will not wobble, again making it easier for beginners. After this you will be asked which rifle to use. The GP L98A1 and 22 L81A1 differ only in their sight systems in the game. The SA80 can fire on the Fig. 11 target and in automatic mode (continues firing if you hold down the fire key). If you select the GP or 22, you will be taken to the "match target" screen. If you select the SA80, you will be asked if you want to use automatic fire or not. Automatic is more fun :-). Then you will be asked if you wish to use the Fig. 11 target, which is the man running towards you. If you say no you will use the match target. After these prompts you will go to the range. To move the sights, use the arrow keys, and to fire press the diamond key. Hold down Psion to move the sights quickly. "Match target" - Fire first on the single target on the left, two shots, and then fire two shots on the top left target of the group of five, then move to the top middle target and shoot two on that. Then shoot on the top right, followed by the bottom left, and then the bottom right. If you're finding you are getting 0 for a target when the sights are clearly in the "points", check that you are firing on the right target!! "Fig. 11 target" - just shoot at the man, wherever you want to shoot :-) At the end, after you have fired 12 shots, you will get a score out of 100. Contacting the author --------------------- The author can be reached at Shooting is freeware, but copyright is retained by the author and modifications must not be distributed! Legal actions will be taken against those who break the law! This product comes from PHPS (Portwin/Horsnell Programming Services) - we have released lots of good software. For a full catalogue, either send a blank e-mail to and one will be returned by e-mail within two or three days. You could also FREQ it from 2:252/337, using the magic name PHPSCAT.TXT. Both of us at PHPS hope you like this game!