######### SIERRA 6.5 Flight Planning & GPS Moving Map ########### ################### Demo Version ############################ Installation: copy 'Sierra6.opa' to an \APP\ directory on an SSD or Internal copy all .opo files to sub-directory \APP\SIERRA\ copy morse.odb demodata.sdb cdi.pic envel.odb towns.odb class_d.odb coast.odb sierra.rsc (ignore if using 128k SSD, but no Help available) to sub-directory \APP\SIERRA\OPD\ see file 'instuct.txt' for full operating instructions The database is limited to an area of SE UK in this demo version. The full European database covers: UK, Eire, Channel Islands, France, Germany, Belgium, Holland, Switzerland, Sweden and Luxembourg Databases also available for: USA, Spain/Portugal, Australia Reporting Points/Intersections Class D airspace for UK only Some menu items are only available in the full version. Use the simulator to demonstrate GPS moving-map functions. see... http://www.avnet.co.uk/navtech/ for full details and latest developments NavTech Software 229 Devonshire Road Forest Hill London SE23 3NJ Tel/Fax +44 (0)181-291-5475 Email navtech@avnet.co.uk