README.TXT for SPYDERT Version 1.42 DEFINITION OF SHAREWARE Shareware distribution gives users a chance to try software before buying it. If you try a Shareware program and continue using it, you are required to register it. Copyright laws apply to both Shareware and retail software, and the copyright holder retains all rights, with a few specific exceptions as stated below. Shareware authors are accomplished programmers, just like retail authors, and the programs are of comparable quality. (In both cases, there are good programs and bad ones!) The main difference is in the method of distribution. The author specifically grants the right to copy and distribute the software, either to all and sundry or to a specific group. For example, some authors require written permission before a commercial disk vendor may copy their Shareware. Shareware is a distribution method, not a type of software. You should find software that suits your needs and pocketbook, whether it's retail or Shareware. The Shareware system makes fitting your needs easier, because you can try before you buy. And because the overhead is lower, prices are lower also. Shareware has the ultimate money-back guarantee -- if you don't use the product, you don't pay for it. SPYDERT INTRODUCTION ====What Is SpyderT? SpyderT provides you with the ability to create hypertext webs of text; and to search and report on the contents of those webs. Report output may be directed to particular cells within a web, to the screen, or to text files. Typical applications for SpyderT include: hypertext notepad and database, outline processor, design tool, presentation planner and prompter, contingency planner, and help system host. Each cell in a SpyderT web contains a name and a text field. Within the text field, references to other cells may appear, and be used as hot-links to those cells. Cells may refer to themselves or to other cells which refer to them, making possible cycles of hypertext reference. The current version of SpyderT runs on the Psion Series 3a. ====Whom Is SpyderT For? SpyderT is for anyone who must keep track of complex systems of any kind, including thoughts, presentations, literary references, software architectures, human relationships,..., you name it. A certain amount of practice is necessary to realize the maximum benefit from the program. This practice develops skills for navigating hypertext webs, and promotes a network perspective on problems and systems. ====Installing SpyderT * Before installing SpyderT on your Psion 3a, create a \web\ directory. This is where the program will keep its data files, unless you direct it to store them elsewhere. * If there isn't one already, create an \app\ directory on the datapack which you intend to hold the SpyderT executable. * Use MCLINK, WINLink3, PsiWin or some other PSION remote file transfer program to copy to the \app\ directory on your chosen solid state disk drive. * Then transfer the following sample webs to the \web\ directory that you created above: Quotes, Websites, Grammar, and Cave. * Choose Install from the Apps menu of the system screen, and select SpyderT for installation. * If all goes well, the SpyderT icon will appear on the desktop, along with names of the sample webs which you copied to the \web\ directory. GETTING STARTED ====Using An Existing Web When SpyderT was installed, several sample webs were installed in the \web\ directory as well. Names of those webs should be displayed under the SpyderT icon (a spider hanging from a thread) on the desktop. Select the web called "Cave", and press return. A window, like the one shown below, will be displayed: The window is divided into two panes. The top one, containing the text "CAVE--home", is the name pane. It is a read-only pane which always contains the name of the web followed by the name of the currently displayed cell. The bottom pane is the text pane. It contains an edit box in which text may be entered into the text field of the current cell. Every SpyderT web contains a "home" cell, which is displayed on entry to the web; and which cannot be deleted. The text field of the home cell is frequently used to describe the purpose of the web, and to present a simple map of its contents. This information is not supplied for the Cave web, because the contents are meant to be explored. ====Exploring the Cave. You may use the arrow keys to scroll the text field of the home cell of the Cave web. Read the text, and make your choice whether to '&EnterTheTrapDoor' or '&GoHomeAndWatchTV'. Once you have made your choice, you can carry it out by positioning the cursor a bit before the chosen option in the text stream, and choosing 'Hunt' from the cell menu. ASIDE: Ampersands, '&', are used in the web called 'Cave' to indicate links to other cells. This is not necessary for the functioning of the program, but it does make it easier to get around. You will find yourself in another cell, having the name of the choice that you made. Depending upon what you chose, you may be presented with more choices. Explore the cave for a while, always positioning the cursor before your choice, and using 'Hunt' from the cell menu, to move to your chosen destination. When you have finished, move on to the next section, which discusses the many ways to browse the contents of a web. ====Browsing the Web Press the menu button and you will see in the menu bar an entry called 'Browse'. Select that entry and the four choices 'Prev', 'Next', 'Overview', and 'Trail' are displayed with their accelerators PSION+, PSION-, PSION/, and PSION*. Use the '+' and '-' accelerators to browse the Cave web, returning to the point from which you began. NOTE: To use an accelerator, hold down the PSION key while you press the accelerator key. You will notice that the cells in the web appear in alphabetic order when browsed, and that browsing forward from the last cell in sequence returns you to the first cell in sequence. Choose the '/' accelerator, and a window will open in the middle of the screen, which may be scrolled to show the names of all of the cells of the web in alphabetical order. If you want to go to a particular cell shown in the browser, position the highlight to that cell's name and press ENTER. To exit the browser without changing cells, press ESC. If the name of the cell you want is not in the window, you may scroll to it with the up and down arrow keys, or type the first letter of the cell name, which will cause the browser to go to the portion of the overview which contains cells beginning with the letter typed. Choosing the '*' accelerator activates the trail browser, the use of which is described in the section called 'Linking to a Cell'. ====Changing the Current Cell Aside from browsing, there are three methods of moving from one cell to another. These methods are: 'Linking' to a cell, 'Going' to a cell, and following a hypertext link. The next three short paragraphs describe how to perform each operation. ====|====Linking to a Cell When you 'link' to a cell, you transfer to that cell with the expectation of returning to the current cell. To try this, choose 'Linkto' from the Cell menu, and enter the cell name 'Noway' into the dialog box that appears. When you press enter, the screen should show the 'Noway' cell. Return to the cell you left by pressing Esc, or choosing 'Unlink' from the Cell menu. SpyderT keeps a trail of cells to which return is expected, so that you can return from many levels of linking by repeatedly pressing ESC. You may view the return trail by activating the trail browser in the browse menu. From that browser, you may link to a cell on the trail, by positioning the underline cursor to the cell, and pressing ENTER. ====|====Going to a Cell When you 'go' to a cell, you transfer to that cell with no expectation of returning to the current cell. To try this, choose 'Goto' from the Cell menu, and enter the cell name 'Fossil' into the dialog box that appears. When you press enter, the screen should show the 'Fossil' cell. You will have to 'browse' your way back to the cell you left, since it was not added to your trail. ====|====Hypertext Links Whenever the name of another cell appears in the text pane of the current cell, you may use that name as a hypertext link to the other cell. In the 'Cave' web, hypertext links to other cells are marked by preceding them with ampersands (&). This convention is unnecessary for the functioning of the links, but makes it easier to navigate the web. To follow a hypertext link, position the cursor in the text stream a bit before the link, and select 'Hunt' from the Cell menu. SpyderT will scan forward until it finds a valid link, and then transfer to the cell named in the link. The destination cell will replace the one currently shown. To return to the previous cell, press the Esc key, or select 'Unlink' from the Cell menu. NOTE: Whenever the name of a cell is typed into an edit pane, it automatically becomes a hypertext link to that cell. NOTE: When you select a cell name in the overview browser or the trail browser, and press enter, the named cell is 'linked' to. You may return to the cell from which you left by pressing ESC. ====Searching the Web In addition to following chains of links which you type into the text field of the web, you can use the 'Find' function in the Edit menu to go to the next cell having a specified text string, or to the closest previous cell having a specified text string. Your search may be case sensitive or not. You may set default search preferences by obtaining the Preferences dialog (choose Preferences from the Special menu), and then choosing 'Searching' from that dialog. Try this now by using the 'Find' function on the Edit menu to search for the word 'treasure' in the Cave web. ====Creating A New Web Our goal for this section is to create a new, empty web, to add cells to it, and to create links between the cells. To this end we will make a web which lists the names and addresses of several people we know, and also adds a bit of useful information not usually found in such a list. ====Making An Empty Web Position to the SpyderT icon in the system menu. Hold down the PSION key, and press the 'N' key. A dialog box will appear asking you for the name of a new SpyderT file. Type in the filename 'Friends' and press 'Enter'. SpyderT will respond by showing you the home cell of a web named 'Friends'. Browsing forward or backward, you will see that home is the only cell in the web. ====Adding Cells A new cell may be added into our web by using the 'Add', 'Linkto', or 'Goto' commands in the Cell menu. For now choose 'Add', and answer the ensuing dialog with the name of someone with whom you are friendly or acquainted. If the "Bad Cell Name" dialog appears, it is probably because you left a space between the person's first and last name. Cell names may not have spaces in them; but it is OK to use the underscore character in place of the space you would normally use. (Some software types like to jam words up together and indicate separate words by the use of capitalization, as in WhatsInAName). If you repair this defect, and still get the "Bad Cell Name" dialog, it may be because your friend's name begins with a number, such as '3Cpo', or a special character, as in '#Sterling'. All cell names must begin with an alphabetic character. Once the cell has been added, you may type in whatever information you wish about this person, including, for example, their address, phone number, height, weight, probable number of outstanding parking tickets; and so on. Keep in mind that you will be able to use the 'Find' command in the Edit menu to search your web on the information which you have entered. Repeat the process of adding cells with names of acquaintences until you have entered several persons into the little database. Next we will enter connections between the people in the web. ====Connecting the Cells Goto, Linkto, or Browse to the cell for the first person you entered, and enter the text field for that person. Scroll down to the bottom of the text field, start a new line, and enter the words: TALKS TO: Then enter the names of persons with whom you know that this person communicates on a daily basis. If the person involved is already in your database, make sure you spell the name the same way as it appears in the cell name. If the person involved is not already in your database, you may want to considering adding the person. Go through the cells of the database, adding the links wherever you know them to exist, and adding persons where it seems appropriate. When you finish, you will not only have a list of acquaintances and whatever information you wish to keep about them; you will also have a map of information flow among your associates. By setting the report preferences to InPointers or OutPointers and choosing Report from the special menu you can see a report on this information flow. ====Saving the Web To save the database you have made, choose 'Save As' from the File menu. A dialog box will appear. If the name 'Friends' is appropriate for the people you entered into your web, you may just press Enter to save the file under that name. If some other file name, like 'People' would be more appropriate, enter that name into the file name dialog. You may include, or not include the suffix 'web', as you wish. If you use another suffix, the web will be saved with that suffix. '.web' is the default filename suffix for SpyderT files. SPYDERT OUTPUT ====Purpose of SpyderT's Output SpyderT is a personal, portable scratchpad for thinking about complex phenomenon, systems, and relationships. It is not intended to communicate the results of that thought to others. SpyderT does not generate elaborate reports. Instead it provides flexible, primitive tools to format output and results in a way that can be understood by the user, and transferred to other programs or computers for further analysis. ====Report Output The SpyderT 'Report' entry, in the Special menu, permits the user to select some or all of the cell name and text information in some or all of the cells; and format it into simple ASCII text streams which are conveyed to the current output destination of the program. This feature permits the user to create indexes of webs, list contents of the cells in a web, dump web contents to files for upload to a host computer, and to generate so-called "comma-separated text" files for exporting SpyderT data to databases and other programs. Also available are cross-reference reports called "InPointers" and "Outpointers", which assist in understanding the structure of a web; and the report called "Trail", which may be used to record your current hierarchic position resulting from a sequence of "link" or "hunt" requests. ====Choosing Report Output Destinations Output of reports may be directed to the screen, to a cell within the web, or to a file in the Psion's memory. The latter option is available only after SpyderT has been registered. To set the output destination, select the 'Preferences' entry in the Special menu. The following dialog menu will appear: Preferences for: * Output * Searching * Report Choose the 'Output' choice to reach the Output Preferences dialog: Output Preferences * Destination <-Cell-> * Dest Name Xanadu * Newline Type CRLF When output is directed to the screen, it is displayed one screen at a time, with a prompt required before the next screen is displayed. When output is directed to a file or to a cell, the name of the file or cell is entered by typing it into the Dest Name field of the dialog. When output is directed to a file, the type of newline generated can be controlled by the third entry in the Output Preferences dialog. If the output will be exported to an IBM compatible computer, it is a good idea to use the 'CRLF' option for newline. If the output will remain on the Psion, or will be exported to a Macintosh or Unix computer, the 'LF' option works better. TIP: By choosing 'Cell' for the destination, and by carefully setting the report format, the user can generate a handy index of the web within the cell named in the dialog box. The index will be particularly useful since all cell names output by the report are automatically hypertext links to the cells which they represent. ====Specifying Report Output To specify what information will appear in Report output; select the Special menu, and choose the 'Preferences' entry. The Preferences dialog (shown above) will appear. Select 'Report' from that dialog, and the Report Preferences dialog will appear: Report Preferences * Report on All Cells <-Yes-> * Report Type Formatted * Report Format \n\N\n-----\n\T The first question in the dialog tells SpyderT whether or not to report on all cells. The second tells it what kind of report to generate. The third tells it which information to include for each cell in a formatted report, if that is the report type that has been chosen.. ====|====Report Cell Selection Answering Yes to the "Report on All Cells?" question will assure that when the user elects to generate a report, all of the cells in the web will be reported, according to the report type and format specified. Answering No will cause the report function to select a subset of the cells in the web. The subset of cells selected for reporting depends upon an algorithm executed by the report function. If there is a highlighted text selection in the active edit box at the time a report is requested, SpyderT will scan that selection for valid cell names, and generate a report on all the cells named in that selection, in the order in which they appear. If there is no highlighted selection in the active edit box, SpyderT will generate a report on the current cell only. ====|====Report Type There are four types of reports. They are the Formatted report, the InPointers report, the OutPointers report, and the Trail report. ====|====|====The Formatted Report The appearance of a formatted report depends upon the content of the Report Format string. If nothing is entered in the report format string in the Report Preferences, no output will be generated when Report is chosen from the Special menu. If the report format string is not empty, then choosing Report from the Special menu will cause that string to be scanned and interpreted for each cell in the selected cell list. When the report format string is interpreted for a cell, most characters in the string are copied directly to the output destination. Substitutions are made, however; for character pairs which begin with the backslash (\). The substituted text is copied to the output in the place of those character pairs. Character pairs for which substitutions are made during interpretation of the report format string are: '\n' A newline sequence is copied to the output in the place of a backslash followed by a lower case n. '\N' When upper case N appears in the report format after the backslash character, the report generator substitutes for the pair of characters the name of the cell for which the format string is being interpreted. '\T' Backslash-T results in the outputting of the text field of the cell being reported. Any other two character sequence beginning with a backslash will cause the second character only to be output to the report. This includes the string '\\' which is replaced in the output by a single backslash. If the report format string is not empty, but neither does it contain any of the character sequences above, it will be copied verbatim to the output once for each cell which has been selected. ====|====|====Inpointers Report For each cell in the report cell selection, this report lists all the other cells in the web which refer to it. ====|====|====Outpointers Report For each cell in the report cell selection, this report lists all the other cells to which the selected cell referss. ====|====|====Trail Report The Trail Report lists from most recent to most ancient, all of the cells placed on the Trail by Linkto requests, that have not yet been popped off by Unlink requests. ====Sample Reports Quotes The web called Quotes has a report fomat string that can be used to copy the entire contents of the web, into a single stream, which may be saved into a file for upload, or scanned as it goes by on the LCD screen. The format string reads: "\n\T\n --\N\n" Here is a selection of the output: My work is being destroyed almost as soon as it is printed. One day it is being read; the next day someone's wrapping fish in it. --Al_Capp If we had no faults, we should not take so much pleasure in noticing them in others. --Duc_De_La_Rochefoucauld A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds... --Emerson You never can tell.. --GeorgeBernardShaw He who knows does not speak. He who speaks does not know. --Lao_Tzu Cave This web is made to be explored as an amusement. Its report is set to an OutPointers report. When Report is chosen from the special menu, the following helpful text is generated: AttackTheGnome ClimbTheRockChimney DiveIntoTheTorrent >home EnterTrapDoor >TakeTorchIntoPassageway >GoBackToShack Fossil GoBackToShack >LayDownAndDie >TakeTorchIntoPassageway GoHomeAndWatchTV >home >home home >EnterTrapDoor >GoHomeAndWatchTV LayDownAndDie Noway SmileAndBrushPastHim >ClimbTheRockChimney >DiveIntoTheTorrent TakeTorchIntoPassageway >AttackTheGnome >SmileAndBrushPastHim This report presents us with a synopsis of the choices available at each cell of the web called 'Cave'. One would be wise to print the report before entering the cave. MENUS AND PREFERENCES ====SpyderT Menus There are five SpyderT menus, called File, Edit, Cell, Browse, and Special. The dialogs and functions invoked from these menus are described below: ====|====File Menu The File menu has three entries: New, Open, and SaveAs: * New saves the contents of the current web, and creates a new, empty web with the name NEW. * Open displays a dialog box into which the name of the file to be opened can be entered. If the desired file is not in the \web\ directory, press TAB to enter the extended file open dialog. * SaveAs displays a dialog box into which the name is entered under which the current web will be saved. To save into a directory other than the current one, press TAB to enter the extended file dialog. Once the target directory is located, press return to re-enter the dialog box for the file name. ====|====Edit Menu The entries in the Edit menu are Copy, Insert, Bring, and Find: * Copy saves the current selection in the edit box to the clipboard. (Make a selection by holding down the shift key and moving the cursor to cover the text to be selected). * Insert pastes the contents of the clipboard into the current cursor position. There is no Delete in the edit menu. To delete the current selection in the edit window, press the Delete key. The selected text will be removed from the edit window and saved in the clipboard. * Bring checks to see if any other application capable of performing the link-paste server function has a selected block of text. If so, the most recent such selection is copied into the current cell at the cursor location. It is also pasted into the clipboard for future Insert operations. * Find searches forward or backward for the next occurrence of the currently selected text. If no text is selected, a dialog box appears, which allows the entry of the text to search for, as well as the preferred direction of search. ====|====Cell Menu The entries in the cell menu are Add, Delete, Goto, Linkto, Hunt, and Unlink: * Add asks for the name of the cell to add. Press Esc to cancel the request. Otherwise, enter the new cell name and press enter. If a cell with the new name already exists, a dialog will inform you of the fact, and ask if you wish to see that cell. Otherwise, the new, empty cell will be displayed. * Delete causes the current cell and its contents to be deleted, unless it is the home cell. The home cell cannot be deleted. * Goto transfers to a different cell, without saving the current cell into the trail. If there is a cell name selected in the current edit window, that is the cell to which a transfer is made. If not, a dialog appears, asking for the name of the cell to go to. If there is no cell with the requested name, a new cell with that name is created. * Linkto saves the current cell into the trail and transfers to a different cell. If there is a cell name selected in the current edit window, that is the cell to which a transfer is made. If not, a dialog appears, asking for the name of the cell to go to. If there is no cell with the name requested, a new cell with that name is created. * Hunt scans from the current cursor position forward, looking for a cell name. If it finds one, it saves the current cell in the trail, and transfers to the cell whose name was found. * Unlink returns to the cell most recently added to the trail, and removes that entry from the trail. If there is no cell on the trail, Unlink goes to the home cell. ====|====Browse Menu The cells in a web can be browsed in alphabetical sequence or reverse alphabetic sequence by choosing Prev or Next from the Browse menu. By choosing Overview, one may see a window containing the names of all the cells in the web. Position to a particular cell by using the up or down arrows, or by typing the first character in the cell name. Pressing Enter causes a 'linkto' to the highlighted cell. Pressing Shift-Enter causes a 'goto' to the highlighted cell. Pressing Esc causes an exit from the browser to the current cell. Choose Trail to see the cells currently on the trail as a result of previous linkto or hunt requests. Pressing Enter causes a 'linkto' to the underlined cell. Pressing Shift-Enter causes a 'goto' to the underlined cell. Pressing Esc causes an exit from the browser to the current cell. ====|====Special Menu The entries in the Special menu are About, Report, Preferences, Zoom, and Exit. * About displays information about SpyderT. * Report causes a report of the contents of the cells to be issued. The destination of the report output, and the content and format of the report are controlled by the Options entry of the Special menu. * Preferences provides the means to control Output destination, Search direction, and Report format. * ZoomIn increases the current font size. * ZoomOut decreases the current font size. * Exit causes the SpyderT program to stop executing and returns to the system screen. ====SpyderT Preferences The 'Preferences' entry in the Special menu opens a dialog box that gives the user the opportunity to set three different classes of parameters to control the operation of the program. The three categories are: Output, Searching, and Report. ====|====Output Preferences Output preferences govern the destination; and to some extent, the format of reports. The three output options are: Destination, Destination Name, and Newline Type. ====|====|====Destination Output destination can be set to Screen, Cell, or File. * If the Destination is set to Screen, output from reports appears one screen at a time on the LCD. After each screen the user is prompted to enter ESC to abort the report, or any other key to continue it. * If the Destination is set to Cell, output from the report is copied to the end of the text area of the cell specified in the Destination Name option. Since the capacity of the text area of a cell is limited to 2048 bytes, the text area only retains the last 2048 bytes of any output sent to it. * When the destination is set to File, the output from reports is sent to the file named in Destination name. This option works only after the program has been registered. ====|====|====Destination Name The Destination Name option provides a place for the user to enter the cell or file name into which output from reports is directed. If the Destination name option is empty, or does not contain a valid cell name when the Cell or File destination is selected, output is directed to a cell or file called OUTPUT (or OUTPUT.TXT). If there is no cell (or file) called OUTPUT, one is created. ====|====|====NEWLINE TYPE The third Output Option is the Newline Type Option, which applies only when the output destination is File. The option lets the user choose between newlines composed of linefeeds, or newlines composed of carriage returns, followed by linefeeds. The former option is preferred when the files will not be exported to other computers. The latter option is preferable if the files will be exported to a PC-compatible computer. ====|====Search Preferences When the user selects Find from the Edit menu, a search is performed for selected text, or text specified in a dialog box. The Search preferences apply to the operation of the Find Request. The available options are: Search For, Search Direction, and Case Sensitive? ====|====|====Search For This is the string for which a search is made when the Find choice is selected from the Edit menu. No wild card characters or regular expression specifiers are accepted here. Enter just the character string for which you are looking. ====|====|====Search Direction The choices are Forward and Backward. When a direction is chosen, the next search (Find) operation proceeds from the current cursor position in the current field of the current cell, in the direction indicated. If a match is not found in the current cell, the search continues into the next cell in the direction indicated. The search ends when either a match is found, or the search returns in a giant circle to the beginning or end of the field in the cell in which it began. KNOWN BUG: When searching backward, an instance of the target which is the last string in the text field of a cell may be missed. This problem will be repaired in a future release. ====|====|====CASE SENSITIVE? If -Yes- is selected for this option, a match is declared only when text matches as to characters and case of each character. Otherwise, a character match alone is sufficient. ====|====Report Preferences Report Preferences are Report On All Cells?, Report Type, and ReportFormat: ====|====|====Report On All Cells? This option allows the user to choose whether to apply the report function to all cells in the web, or to a selection of cells. See the section entitled "Specifying Report Output" for a complete discussion of this preference and its application. ====|====|====Report Type This option allows the user to choose between four different types of reports: Formatted, InPointers, OutPointers, and Trail reports. ====|====|====Report Format The Report Format string allows the user to specify the contents of the report generated for each selected cell. The rules governing the syntax and interpretation of the report format string are discussed in the section entitled "Specifying Report Output". SPYDERT ERRORS AND LIMITS ====Error Conditions ====|====Out of Memory Condition When SpyderT writes a web to a disk, it writes it first as a temporary file, called temp.tmp, and then renames the temporary file to the name of the web. If a memory shortage prevents the entire web from being written, the update is not completed, and the old version of the web remains on the disk. ====Program Limits The following limits apply to version 1.1 of SpyderT: Maximum Size of a Cell Name: 48 Maximum Characters in a Text Field: 2047 Maximum Number of Cells: limited by 64K program data segment size. WARRANTY, LICENSE, REGISTRATION, AND DISTRIBUTION LIMITED WARRANTY AND DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY THIS SOFTWARE AND ACCOMPANYING WRITTEN MATERIALS (INCLUDING INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE) ARE PROVIDES "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. FURTHER, NEITHER EIEIO NOR DAVID CLIFTON PROVIDES ANY WARRANT, GUARANTEE, OR MAKES ANY REPRESENTATIONS REGARDING THE USE, OR THE RESULTS OF USE, OF THE SOFTWARE OR WRITTEN MATERIALS IN TERMS OF CORRECTNESS, ACCURACY, RELIABILITY, CURRENTNESS, OR OTHERWISE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE RESULTS AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE IS ASSUMED BY YOU. IF THE SOFTWARE OR WRITTEN MATERIALS ARE DEFECTIVE YOU, AND NOT EIEIO OR ITS DEALERS, DISTRIBUTORS, AGENTS, OR EMPLOYEES, ASSUME THE ENTIRE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR, OR CORRECTION. THE ABOVE IS THE ONLY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, THAT IS MADE BY EIEIO OR DAVID CLIFTON, ON THIS PRODUCT. NO ORAL OR WRITTEN INFORMATION OR ADVICE GIVEN BY DAVID CLIFTON, EIEIO, ITS DEALERS, DISTRIBUTORS, AGENTS OR EMPLOYEES SHALL CREATE A WARRANTY OR IN ANY WAY INCREASE THE SCOPE OF THIS WARRANTY AND YOU MAY NOT RELY ON ANY SUCH INFORMATION OR ADVICE. YOU MAY HAVE OTHER RIGHTS WHICH VARY FROM STATE TO STATE. NEITHER EIEIO NOR ANYONE ELSE WHO HAS BEEN INVOLVED IN THE CREATION, PRODUCTION OR DELIVERY OF THIS PRODUCT SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION, AND THE LIKE) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE SUCH PRODUCT EVEN IF EIEIO OR DAVID CLIFTON HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. This Limited Warranty shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado. ACKNOWLEDGMENT BY USING THE SHAREWARE VERSION OF SPYDERT YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE READ THIS LIMITED WARRANTY, UNDERSTAND IT, AND AGREE TO BE BOUND BY ITS' TERMS AND CONDITIONS. YOU ALSO AGREE THAT THE LIMITED WARRANTY IS THE COMPLETE AND EXCLUSIVE STATEMENT OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE PARTIES AND SUPERSEDES ALL PROPOSALS OR PRIOR AGREEMENTS, ORAL OR WRITTEN, AND ANY OTHER COMMUNICATIONS BETWEEN THE PARTIES RELATING TO THE SUBJECT MATTER OF THE LIMITED WARRANTY. LICENSE You may use the shareware version of SpyderT for a 30 day trial period. If you would like to continue to use SpyderT after the 30 day trial period, you are required to register as a user of SpyderT, and pay the registration fee. If you choose not to register or pay, you must remove SpyderT from your computer. You may distribute evaluation copies of SpyderT to other persons or organizations, provided such distribution takes place in accordance with the provisions of the DISTRIBUTION paragraphs below. REGISTRATION The registration fee for SpyderT is $19. When you register, you will receive in the mail a key to disable registration reminders, and enable report output to files. You can register SpyderT using the Compuserve shareware registration service, or by sending cash to the author. For details on ordering and payment, see below: ORDERING AND PAYMENT METHOD 1: Compuserve shareware registration service Log onto Compuserve and go to shareware registration under the computers menu (GO SWREG). Access the registration database with the program name, SpyderT, or the registration number ????. METHOD 2: By credit card through North Star Solution's Shareware Registration Service You can order registration packets with Visa or MasterCard credit cards from North Star Solutions shareware registration service. Simply contact North Star Solutions via any of the following methods: Voice: 1-800-699-6395(10:00am-10:00pm,EST. Calls from US only.) 1-800-699-6395(10:00am-10:00pm, Eastern Standard Time) FAX: 1-803-699-5465(Available 24 hours. (International and Business Orders encouraged) E-mail: CIS 71561,2751 Internet (International and Business Orders encouraged) Please have the following information ready: * The program and version number ( SpyderT v1.4 ) * Where the registration packet should be mailed * Your VISA or MasterCard number and expiration date * Whether you want a MAC or a PC diskette (3.5 inch drives only) IMPORTANT NOTES: 1) North Star processes registrations only, please contact the author at or for any product information or technical support. 2) E-mailed and FAXed registrations are encouraged, but all registrations are very much appreciated! METHOD 3: By sending cash to the author. Send your mailing address, and $19 to the address below: EIEIO P.O. Box 1086 Niwot, CO 80544 U.S.A. Send cash in the form of U.S. dollars, a check drawn on a U.S. bank (MICR code on the bottom), or International Money Orders for $19 (U.S.). Add a 25% premium over the exchange rate if you send Canadian checks in Canadian dollars, or major currencies (Pounds, Marks, Francs, or Yen). DISTRIBUTION You are encouraged to pass a copy of the shareware version of SpyderT along to your friends for evaluation. If you do so, you must provide them with the entire set of SpyderT shareware version files. These include: README.TXT SPYDERT.APP VENDOR.DOC FILE_ID.DIZ CAVE.WEB GRAMMAR.WEB QUOTES.WEB WEBSITES.WEB