StereoVU Version 1.3 May 1997 By Shane McKee ==================== þWhat is StereoVU? ==================== StereoVU is an application for the Psion Series 3a palmtop, allowing you, the user, to view stereograms (3D images), as well as create your own stereogram files. Use your artistic talents in three dimensions! It's streets ahead of any other similar program I've come across, in that it allows you to create and view complex images, as opposed to simple shapes. The program is currently available as FreeWare. ==================== þThe Distribution Files ==================== StereoVU is distributed as the following file bundle: STEREOVU.OPA STERVU.TXT (this file) STERED.ALS (an alias Text Editor file for making .STGs) *PLUS* several Stereogram files (.STG), demonstrating the principle of creating your own stereograms. You may freely distribute these files, place them on bulletin boards, FTP sites, your homepage, etc, as long as you include the ZIPped distribution file: STERVU13.ZIP as a bundle. Do not break up the family. ==================== þInstalling StereoVU ==================== You need a Psion 3a (somebody please let me know if this works on a 3c!), with at least 16K of disk space. When running, the program needs an additional 44K of system resources. Not much. To install, simply UNZIP, and place STEREOVU.OPA in an \APP directory, then install from the system screen. (Press Psion-I, and select STEREOVU.OPA). The file will install, and you can run it in the normal way. Put STERVU.TXT in your preferred text directory (optional), and the .STG files in the \OPD directory. Then simply run the program from the system screen. ALSO: If you're the artistic type, and you wish to create your own stereograms, put STERED.ALS in the \APP directory, and install from the system screen. Details on how to create your own stereograms are given later. On startup the program will create a Background image to map onto the stereogram template. It will then generate the default stereogram. This takes about 30s. Press MENU at any time during or after generation to select options. ==================== þWhat is a Stereogram? ==================== Stereograms are a form of optical illusion, which trick the brain into perceiving a 3 dimensional image from a 2 dimensional one. Well, that's actually slightly misleading - there are in fact two images - one for the left eye and one for the right - but they're cunningly interwoven into one. Subtle differences between the two images allow the brain to appreciate depth, thereby rendering the 3D effect. The really cunning part is in the combination of the two images into one, and the effect is appreciated by viewing the image in a special way. ==================== þHow do I view a Stereogram? ==================== You may already know how to do this from the books and posters that are widely available (recognised Tradenames are "Magic Eye (R)" and "5D (R)"). What you need to do to view StereoVU stereograms is: 1: Display the image on the Psion screen 2: Hold the Psion about a foot away from you 3: Make sure you have good lighting! 4: Let your eyes go out of focus Now, if you do that, you will see a blurry Psion in double-vision. The stereogram image will overlap with itself. You'll also see the button-bar buttons overlapping. Now you need to let your eyes refocus on the image, while maintaining a single overlap. (Sounds easy, doesn't it?) You'll have noticed that the screen image looks like a mess of letters, but that the image consists of several repeats across the screen. The trick, of course, is to get one repeat unit (as seen by the left eye) to overlap onto an adjacent repeat unit (as seen by the right eye). Actually, that's the easy bit - it's getting your eyes to refocus that's difficult. Try the following tips: 1: Narrow your eyes 2: Move the Psion slowly away from you 3: RELAX, and let your eyes adjust Take your time - it took me several weeks to be able to see them properly. But persevere! It might help to print the screen, and view it from paper (at least until you get the knack). Some of your friends may infuriate you by being able to see the image more quickly. Don't be put off. This will NOT damage your sight, and you SHOULD get there eventually. ==================== þWhat's in the Program? ==================== The full (STEREOVU.OPA) program allows you to: 1/: View Stereograms 2/: Load your own stereogram files 3/: Change the background 4/: Save the output as a .PIC file 5/: Load inbuilt stereograms 6/: Enter text to be rendered in 3D 7/: See what the stereogram SHOULD look like 8/: Utterly amaze your entire social circle ==================== þOK - a quick run-through? ==================== Start up the program. Wait while the background & stereogram are generated. Then hit MENU. Select "Show stereogram: Psion-W" from the Display menu. This will show you what you are looking for. Then press a key. If you find it hard to see, try changing the background settings (from the Settings menu). If you're still having problems with the background, you can load in a .PIC file to map over the stereogram. Go to "Settings" -> "Change" -> "Background: Load .PIC File". That should do the trick (provided you have a .PIC file in the first place!) Try pressing Psion-T to enter 5 characters of text. These will then be rendered as a stereogram before your eyes! Psion-L allows you to load your own stereogram template files (see later for how to create template files). Psion-I allows you to load one of several inbuilt stereograms for viewing. HELP or Psion-A should give you some more hints. Play about with it, and if you come across any bugs, please let me know. ==================== þHow do I create Stereogram Template Files? ==================== It's really easy. You just use a text editor to create the image. Install STEREOED.ALS from the system screen. This provides you with a text editor, using files with extension .STG, in the \OPD directory. Then open up a file, and - THIS IS IMPORTANT!!! - put in the first line: "Stereogram Template File" - EXACTLY as you see it here - spaces & all - (leave out the quotes). See the example files to show you how it's done. This simple measure prevents you inadvertently loading a bogus file. Remember .STG files should be in TEXT, not WRD format. If you use StereoEd.ALS, this will not be a problem. You now have access to an 80-by-32 grid of "pixels". Each pixel can be set as "Background", "Plane 1", or "Plane 2". Plane 2 is the highest (nearest, when viewed in 3D). A pixel is assigned to a plane by entering a " "(space) for BACKGROUND, "1" for PLANE-1, and "2" for PLANE-2. Again, see how it's done in the example files. Remember NOT to use any other characters than space, "1" & "2" in the body of the file. Any text after the 33rd line is ignored. Example: ------------------------- Stereogram Template File 111111111111 111122221111 111122221111 111111111111 ------------------------- will show a small rectangle floating above a larger rectangle. Load the completed file up in the program, and view as normal. If you develop any great stereograms, let me know, and I might include them in the next bundle! Feel free to convert the .PIC files for use on your web pages as you see fit - but please make a link to: and credit me with the program. Thanks! Also, for other examples of stereograms, see the above URL. ==================== þHow do I register STEREOVU? ==================== You don't. ==================== þComments, Bugs, Suggestions, etc ==================== I welcome any suggestions on how to improve this program. Please email me: Alternatively, drop in on my guestbook at: I look forward to hearing from you! ==================== þLegal stuff ==================== I have tried this program out in many different scenarios, without any loss or corruption of data, and therefore don't think it has any major problems. HOWEVER, I cannot be legally or morally held responsible in any way for any adverse events arising from the use of this software, including, but not limited to, hardware or software damage, personal injury, social problems, global warming, unemployment, nuclear war. I retain full copyright of the program & associated files. ==================== þHistory ==================== Ver 1.0: January 1997. Slow. Left gaps in complex pictures Ver 1.1: Feb-Mar 1997. First release. Pictures complete, but still slow. Bug in file opening. Added text conversion & "Give-away" rendering of stereograms. Ver 1.2: Mar-Apr 1997. Re-release. Faster stereogram algorithm. File-opening bug fixed. Ver 1.3: May 1997. StereoVu goes FREEWARE! HELP Bug removed. For the future (watch my web page!): Dedicated stereogram editor program. More compact file structure. Possible algorithm improvements. More example files (keep sending them in!). ==================== -Shane McKee, May 1997