README for TALE v2.2 FILES: Copy the files to: TALE.OPO in any \opo\ or alias of RunOPL CAMELOT.LOT to m:\opd\ (if you want the .LOT files to be on either a: or b: mail me and I'll fix it!) This was inspired by an evenings boredom, and the LOTTERY.OPL file that someone uploaded (I admit to having copied the nice bargraph, I rather liked it!) Hope you like it, any ideas / additions to or 100021,3354 on Compuserve Oh, if you win a couple of million then I wouldn't say no thanks to a tenner! History v2.2 Added the much requested "Delete" ticket feature - hope you like it guys! N.B. This could have problems with deleting tickets with identical numbers be it on your heads. New Camelot.lot file with all draws up to and including 22/April/1995 The 2.0 file missed the first two draws (Duh!) v2.1 Analyse my tickets as well as Camelot's offerings v2.0 First public release. Most of what you see now, less later additions! v1.0 Horrific - no UI, but probablity calcs were there !