Taxi! is a utility to estimate taxicab fares given an estimated road distance (for example from Mapper3a/London) and an assumed average speed. It uses a database file that is easily modified with the built in Data application so you can add your favourite (or least favourite depending on costs!) cities. London and New York are included. QUICK INSTALLATION There are three files that should be installed: TAXI.OPA in a \APP\ directory on any drive this is the application, a Type 1 OPA TAXI.DBF in a \OPD\ on any drive this is the cities database HAILTAXI.DBF [Optional] in a \OPD\ on any drive this sets up your startup and defaults Then install the icon using Psion-I from the system screen. OTHER FILES The package includes the following files: Readme.txt this file Taxi.wrd Manual, especially on how to add cities to the daabase Psion Word format. Taxi.txt plain text version of manual. Taxi.opp Source code for Taxi, requires Andy Clarkson's OPP Runtaxi.opl Example of how to run Taxi and get a fare from another program ICON Taxi! needs a decent icon. Any offers? Kevin