TCcalc v1 (c) Sharon Stiles 1995 Just a simple little program to do timecode calculations on a Psion 3a. It will add, subtract, multiply, divide and convert between frames and timecodes. It's a PAL only calculator at the moment, but NTSC is next on the list if anyone is interested. Install it using the Psion I command. I do have a Psion 3 version as well. I haven't figured out a way of making the text automatically right justify as it is entered, so if anyone has any ideas, I'd be grateful. There's no registration fee, but if you like the program, give some money to charity. Operation Select the type of calculation with the + - / * keys or use the arrow keys to scroll through the options. To add or subtract enter 2 timecode numbers and press Enter to calculate the result. To divide or multiply, first enter a timecode, then enter a decimal number. Press Enter to calculate the result. Any remaining frames appear as Remainder. To do accumulative calculations select Accumulative, rather than Single. This will automatically transfer the answer from the calculation to the 1st number. Then you can do multiple calculations. Return to Single for individual calculations. Only enter numbers, do not enter any punctuation to separate the numbers. To convert a timecode to frames press T, enter a timecode, press Enter. To convert frames to timecode press F, enter the frames, press Enter. To copy the result of any calculation to the 1st number press C, press Enter. For a quick reminder of the operation press H, press Enter.