VT100 Terminal Emulator Prliminary Manual 1. Introduction The VT100 Terminal Emulator is a communications program that supports the DEC VT100 Escape sequences for ANSI and TTY Emulations. The software works only on the Series3a. 2. Getting Started To start the emulator, install the application in the system memu. Select 'Insall' from the menu under 'Application', select 'Terminal.app' as the filename. Press ENTER, and the application can be started. The cursor must be under the terminal icon. When you press ENTER, the terminal screen will appear with a flashing cursor. The software is ready to use and is waiting for your command. The default settings for the port are as follows: Port: 9600 Baud, 8 Bits, 1 Stop bit, No parity, TTY:A Handshake: XON/XOFF Initialisation: atz Hangup: +++^$D02H0^M Dial mode: Pulse Screensize 80 Columns by 25 Rows. All settings can be changed using the 'Settings' option in the 'Options' menu. Use of a handshake protocol is recommended to improve the communication. 3. The Menu 3.1 Communication 3.1.1 Initialisation The initialisation is set to 'atz'. In 'Settings' the 'z' can be changed for another symbol. The 'at' cannot be changed. If the connection to the modem is ok, then 'OK' will appear. 3.1.2 Dialling In this dialoguehere are three optionsn: Redial(TAB): Redials the last number Free: free enter of the telephone number File: Searches a database for a number. The file to use is set in the 'Settings' option (see Appendix B). If a number is given by free entry, or dialed from the a file, this will automatically be saved in a file. You can then edit this number and use it again later. The file is in the \INI\ directory. When the program is started, both the SSDs and the internal disk are searched. 3.1.3 Hangup Breaks the connection. This sends the string defined in 'Settings', which as default is '+++^$D02H0^M'. The ^$d02 causes a delay of three seconds. 3.2 Display 3.2.1 Delete The delete command clears the screen, and moves the cursor to the top-left corner. 3.2.2 Screen In the screen dialogue the following settings can be changed: Local or external echo on or off Status line size, or off Block or underline cursor Enter key with or without linefeed (0x10) Position of the navigation window, or off The status line informs the user of the current settings of the port, handshake, etc. 3.2.3 TTY/VT100 With this option the user can switch between TTY and VT100. The menu entry is automatically changed. When changing to VT100, the screen size will be asked. 3.3 Transfer This option controls the settings and the operation of the file transfer. 3.3.1 Protocol This option selects a version of X-Modem or Y-Modem. Pressing TAB lists all of the available protocols. 3.3.2 Send/Receive The point 'send' displays a file selector box, from which a file is selected to be sent. For 'receive', the destination filename must be specified. If no protocol has been specified, a different dialogue will appear. 3.3.3 Report file on/of Switching this option on will save all of the displayed information in a file. An edit box will prompt for a filename. To close the file, select this point again. 3.4 Macro Macros can be used to automate the logon procedure. 'Change' and 'Select' edit and select the macros respectively. In editing mode, the following convention is used: - ^$dnn Delays execution of the next command for nn seconds - ^^ Sends HEX 5E - ^ Sends the characters HEX 00 to HEX 1D @ -> 00 A to Z or a to z -> 01 to 1A [ -> 1B \ -> 1C ] -> 1D Examples : ^m sends 0D (RETURN) ^g sends 07 (Bell) ^[[2J sends escape sequenz ESC [ 2 J 3.5 Options 3.5.1 Settings This menu can three further sub-menu options: Telephone directory: Selects the DBF file for the telephone numbers Modem: Edits the codes for Hangup, Initialisation, and Dial prefix Port: Sets the Baud rate, Data bits, Stop bits, and parity Handshake: Selects the type of handshaking. 3.5.2 Zoom Changes the font size. The navigation window shows the current position (see 3.2.2). The navigation window can be moved with Shift-Cursor, or Psion-Shift-Cursor for accelerated movements. 3.5.3 Exit Closes the program. 4. Summary Overview of the main menu: ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º Communicate Display Transfer Macro Extras º ÇÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĶ º Initialise Clear Protocol Select Settings º º Dial Screen Options Transmit Change Zoom º º Hangup TTY Receive Exit º º Capture º º º º º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ The options menu: ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º Settings º ÇÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĶ º Phone book º º Modem º º Port º º Handshake º º º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ Changes between versions 1.2B and 1.1B The initialisation string "atz" has been changed to "atz^M", and the AT has can now be edited. The error in the synchronisation during the initialisation has been fixed. In the English version, the word "Databits" has been corrected. The program has been tested on an English Series3a, and runs without problems. Appendix A Restrictions of the Shareware Version "Dialling from a file" The settings for the filename will be saved, but dialling from this file is not permitted. "Port parameters" Only Port A can be accessed. The maximal baud rate is 2400 (Registred version 9600) (Full version 19200). "Screen size for VT100 mode" Changes are ignored. "Screen dialogue" Changes are ignored. "Select macro" Macros can be edited, but not selected. "Transfer" Data transfer is not possible. "Zoom" Only available in registred or full version Appendix B Function of the table view - Move in the table using the cursor or Shift-Cursor - Search the entries for a string - Quit the search with ESC - Select the number with ENTER - Quit without the number with SHIFT-ESC Appendix C Files and directories should be as follows: \APP\terminal.app Application \APP\TERMINAL\term01.rsc Resource file (English) \APP\TERMINAL\term03.rsc Resource file (German) \APP\TERMINAL\dbftable.dyl Library for table view Appendix D INI File When the program is first stared, a directory M:\INI\ will be created, and a file TERMINAL.INI will be placed in the directory. This is save in text mode, and can be edited by the user. The order of the lines is not imported. Comment lines begin with a ! This directory can be moved to an SSD, although a RAM SSD is recommended. On subsequent uses, the \INI\ directory is searched for on the internal disk, and then on A and B. If no directory is found, a new directory will be created on the internal disk. Appendix E Registration You may use the Shareware Version unregistered free of charge for a period of up to 30 Days, after which you are required to register. You may copy the shareware version of the VT100 Emulator, so long as all associated files are copied. You may not modify any of the files in any way. Registering the shareware version will entitle you to use Baud rates of up to 9600 baud and the zoom function. Upgrading to the full version entitles you to use Baud rates of up to 19200 baud, the zoom function, file transfers, dialing from a file, macros, Ports B to F, and ALL of the features listed in this document. Upgrading is only possible at the time of registration. Once a shareware version has been registered, you cannot upgrade, and will have to purchase the full version. To register, upgrade, or purchase the full version, use one of the following payment methods: IN GERMANY Send either Cash or a Eurocheque made payable to 'Psion GmbH' to the address below, or Fax us your address. Wir liefern per Nachname. Shareware Registration: 30,- DM Upgrade: 100,- DM Full Version: 130,- DM IN EUROPE Send a Eurocheque made payable to 'Psion GmbH' to the address below. Cash will be accepted in the following currencies: Deutschmarks Sterling Shareware Registration: 30,- DM Upgrade: 120,- DM Full Version: 150,- DM œ15 œ50 œ70 (or in the UK, the equivalent in Marmalade sent to 'Psion GmbH Technical Department') (not applicable to Psion PLC, from whom payment will only be accepted in Modem Cables, part no. 1404 0002) THE REST OF THE WORLD Send cash to the address listed below. We accept Deutschmarks, Sterling, or US Dollars. Shareware Registration: 30,- DM Upgrade: 150,- DM Full Version: 180,- DM œ15 œ60 œ80 $20 $80 $100 (or the equivalent in a local speciality, sent to 'Psion GmbH Technical Department'. Particular requested are: Australia: Fry's Coconut Ruff Canada : Maple Syrup China : Rice Japan : Chips to upgrade a 3a to 2MB Jamaica : Rum Singapore: Video cameras Taiwan : CD Players USA : Bill Gates photograph (including sub-sets when available) UK : Marmalade * see note * Added here in case the UK is no longer in Europe by the time we post this. And for those in Europe thinking about this method of payment: Greece : Olives Holland : Cheese Ireland : Guiness (or "Rock 'n' Roll Kids" CD) Italy : Pasta (all types) Switzerl.: Cheese again) Our address is: Psion GmbH Saalburgstr. 157 61350 Bad Homburg Germany Support is available under the following numbers: PSION Hotline +49 6172 9654-28 PSION Mailbox +49 6172 37090 PSION Fax +49 6172 39192 DISCLAIMER Psion and the Psion Logo are registered trademarks, and Psion Series3, Psion Series3a, SSD, and Solid State Disk are trademarks of Psion PLC. All trademarks acknowledged. Neither the author, nor Psion GmbH, are responsible for any loss of data which may occur as a result of the use of this program.