PSION TILE FALL v1.5 ==================== Introduction ------------ Tile Fall is a deceptively simple game. It looks so simplistic, yet after playing it for a while you'll find that there's more to it than meets the eye. It's also worryingly addictive. ;) It has vague similarities with the classic game Tetris, but is more of a challenge to the mind than a test of reactions. The best way to see what the game is about is simply to play it -- but make sure you have plenty of time to spare! Full instructions on playing the game are available by pressing the "Help" key once Tile Fall has started (except when playing on a Siena -- Siena users should read the "How2Play.txt" file which accompanies this ReadMe text). Installation ------------ Psion Tile Fall will work with any Psion 3c, 3a or Siena. The same program is used on the Siena and will automatically shrink itself to fit the smaller screen. The game can be installed either on your internal (M:) disk, or on a flash disk if you wish to spare your valuable internal memory. Installing Tile Fall is easy. Copy the file TILEFALL.OPA to the \APP\ directory on your Psion (if installing to a flash disk and there is no APP directory, create one in the root directory of the disk). Inside the \APP\ directory, make a subdirectory called TILEFALL. Copy all the files from within the TILEFALL directory of the game archive to the TILEFALL directory on your Psion. To create an icon on your system screen, press Psion-I ("Install Application"). Select the TILEFALL.OPA file on the window that opens, and the position at which you want to place Tile Fall's icon. Press "Enter" and Tile Fall's game icon will appear. To start the game, move the cursor to Tile Fall's icon and press "Enter". History ------- v1.0. (16/7/1997) - Initial release. v1.1. (26/7/1997) - Fixed high score bug that occurred occasionally after changing the board size or number of tiles. - Added position numbers to the high score table, and an indicator which shows which score is yours when you achieve a new high score. v1.2. (7/8/1997) - Massively increased the speed of the game! - All help topics compiled to a Psion resource file for much nicer help functions. v1.3. (15/8/1997) - Tile Fall is now Siena-friendly! No separate version is required to play on the Siena, the game will auto-adapt to the smaller screen. All features available in 3a/3c mode are also available in Siena mode except for the on-line help; for this reason, the on-line help text is now also available as a textfile (How2play.txt) distributed with the Tile Fall archive. Please note that I do not own a Siena, and so have not actually been able to test that it is completely working. If any Siena users find problems with Tile Fall v1.3 on their machines, *please* let me know so that I can fix the problems! - "Undo last move" function. This (by design) only allows you to undo a single move, so you still have to be careful not to make mistakes! - Number of points scored each move are displayed. - Reverted to original help system due to errors reported by a number of users. - Highscore and preferences files are now always stored on the internal drive, so battery power and disk space are not wasted when playing from flash disks. v1.4. (30/8/1997) - Highscore table is now correctly centered in Siena mode - Improved interaction with the Psion -- it is now possible to exit Tile Fall from the system screen by pressing "Delete" whilst Tile Fall's (active) icon is highlighted. - Changed the preferences keyboard shortcut to Psion+Q for consistency with other Psion applications. v1.5. (16/9/1997) - Tile Fall is now flashdisk-friendly. It can be installed on any disk you like, and will no longer complain about missing files or directories. All game saves (highscores and preferences) are still made to the internal disk. - A bug that sometimes incorrectly reported the number of tiles left after undoing a move has been corrected. - The board is now correctly centered when playing on a Siena. Distribution ------------ Tile Fall is freeware! This means you do not have to pay for it. It is completely free, and does not nag you for money at all. I retain the copyright for the game, however, and Psion Tile Fall may not be sold in any commercial form without prior written permission from me. If you wish to include Psion Tile Fall on any CD ROM collections, magazine cover disks, etc. please email me first. Tile Fall is copyright (C) 1997, Adam Dawes. Psion Freeware Movement ----------------------- When I bought my Psion 3c some time ago, I was rather frustrated by the amount of software which was released as shareware. I've nothing against software authors trying to make some money from their hard work but I've always believed in writing software for pleasure, and as such, all my Amiga software is released as freeware. The Psion Freeware Movement is to encourage other programmers to release their software for free, just like Tile Fall. If you're interested in becoming part of the Psion Freeware Movement, send me an email or simply release your software as freeware! Add the Psion Freeware Movement logo and some explanatory text as well, so others can follow your example. Amiga Tile Fall --------------- The original (and best!) version of Tile Fall is the version I wrote before Psion Tile Fall, for the Amiga. Features include: - Much faster and more colorful - User creatable tile graphics (with over 30 tile sets supplied!) - High score merging facilities (high score files are completely compatible between the Amiga and Psion versions, so you can merge your Psion high scores in to your Amiga high score file!) - Much more! If you wish to play Amiga Tile Fall, it can be downloaded from my Web page (see below). Of course, Amiga Tile Fall is also freeware. Contacting the Author --------------------- If you like Tile Fall, have any suggestions for its future or have found a bug, please don't hesitate to let me know! I can be contacted as follows: Snail mail: Adam Dawes 47 Friar Road Brighton BN1 6NH England Internet: Fidonet: Adam Dawes @ 2:254/524.50 Acknowledgements ---------------- My sincere thanks to Chris Phelps, who kindly loaned me a flash disk so that Tile Fall (and my other programs) will finally work on disks other than the internal drive. I really appreciate it! Disclaimer ---------- I will not accept responsibility for any damage done to your system, or data lost, directly or indirectly, as a result from using this program or any of its associated files. You use the program entirely at your own risk. Of course if you *do* experience problems then I'll do what I can to sort them out, and please let me know so that I can try to cure them in a future release. Tile Fall and its associated files are not public domain. They may be distributed freely as long as no unreasonable charge is imposed. They may not be included within any commercial package without express written permission from the author.