"TIM" by Pete Sipple Written for the Psion Series 3 (Nov 1994) This is a shortish procedure that has been designed to aid radio presenters and 'tape-ops", by making the business of backtiming music and commercials easier. Two programs are supplied, called TIM.OPO and TIM3.OPO TIM3.OPO has been translated for the Series 3 TIM.OPO has been translated for the Series 3a The files can be safely renamed. For the purpose of this document, the name TIM.OPO will be assumed. TIM.OPO is far from perfect and does not come with any documentation other than this file, and no on-line help. If TIM.OPO fulfils anyone else's needs, then I'll be happy to expand / amend the procedure, or write a more complete set of instructions Copy TIM.OPO into the \OPO\ directory of your Psion. The procedure creates a small file called TIMES in the \OPD\ directory, where it stores it's time information. This allows you to quit the procedure and re-run it with the same data. TIM.OPO allows the user to add or subtract minutes and seconds in the following categories: Music Talk Ads News Idents Provision has been made for up to six hours. Use the HOUR menu to select an hour. Data for each hour will be saved when the program is exited. A Calculate option is available - for addition & subtraction that doesn't affect an hourly timing. The procedure then totals the times and woks out a backtime from the next hour. Provision has been made for up to six hours. Use the HOUR menu to select an hours. This probably makes no sense at all, but it should be possible to struggle through without any additional information. Please let me know your comments or suggestions regarding this procedure. I can be reached by Email at: psipple@cix.compulink.co.uk Although this procedure is not over user-friendly, it is at least fairly stable. However, I cannot accept any liability for loss, damage, or crashed news reports, as a result of using this procedure. TIM.OPO is released into Public Domain, and I am not looking for any payment for this procedure. I am, however, interested to know whether you have found this procedure useful, and whether you have any suggestions for improvements. Please feel free to email me with comments! The procedures included with releases of TIM remain copyright of Pete Sipple. You may freely distribute the files to other users, but please make sure that ALL files including this documentation are kept together. Distribution of reverse-translated source code is not permitted. Please contact Pete Sipple by Email if you require the source code for any reason. Written by: Pete Sipple 17 November 1994