TITCH Version 2 Order Form To: Martin Sturgess TK26 PO BOX 45 TONBRIDGE KENT TN9 1AL Date: Name: Home Address: Internet Address : Compuserve Address: Please send me the Registration Code for TITCH V1.0 by the following method: [ ] Via Internet mail [ ] Via Compuserve mail (but why not use GO SWREG?) [ ] Via Post to my Home address. I enclose a registration fee to the value of £12-50 Sterling (or $20 US Dollars) by the following method. [ ] UK Cheque to the value of £12-50. [ ] Cheque in my OWN currency [ ] EuroCheque [ ] Cash Signed I downloaded TITCH Version 2 from: --------------------------- Cheques should be made payable to Martin R Sturgess. Please allow 28 days for delivery. =======================================================