TaskMan v4.03 Pelican Software Inc. P.O.Box 741072 Houston, Tx. 77274-1072 http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Pelican 72662.3050@compuserve.com ================================================ Taskman is an application that runs on the Psion Series 3a computer. The basic function of Tm is to facilitate fast switching between applications. This is done by polling the Psion for a list of all running applications, or processes. (The two words are used synonymously.) This list is then put on the screen in a sorted scrolling list format. Using the up and down arrows you can go to the process you want to switch to. Press Enter and you will jump to the highlighted application. (or use the menu for other options.) Taskman is also very useful as an application launcher. It will launch almost every application type on the Psion. Press the spacebar hotkey to setup a list of applications for quick launching. The key to making TM work in the most efficient way is to assign it a hotkey. New in 4.0, TM has it's own hotkey support. (If registered) Choose 'Assign hotkey' from the menu. This makes switching applications faster than going to the system screen to see what apps are open. It was modeled after the Task list in Windows. LAUNCHER - New in 4.0 also is the inclusion of the Launcher application. This is an application that launches other applications. Launcher helps to eliminate the 50 application limit on the system screen. Launcher shows all applications and yet only counts as one application. Note: Use Launcha.als to show OPA applications, and Launcher.opa to show APP applications. INSTALLATION: Files needed: ---------------------------------------- Taskman.opa (Main program file) Tm.rzc (Help file) Launcher.opa (Optional Separate launcher - launches .app files) Launcha.als (Optional Separate launcher - needs Launcher.opa - launches .opa files) The installation is very simple. 1. Copy Taskman.opa, Launcher.opa and Launcha.als to any \app directory on your Psion. (Launcher.opa and Launcha.als are optional) 2. Create an \App\Taskman directory on your Psion. 3. Copy the Tm.rzc into the \App\Taskman directory. 4. From the system screen press Psion to install an application. Find Taskman.opa and press "Enter". That's it. You're ready to run TaskMan. The options in TM are very self explanatory. TM also has online help so if you're not sure how something works press the key. Options: . Jump to a process Psion, Enter key . Rename a process Psion-Shift . Kill a process Psion, Delete key . Update display manually Psion . Show Free Memory Psion . Application Launcher Psion, or space bar . Dump Bird (set screen size) Psion, or diamond key . Zoom Psion . Assign Hotkey (Registered version) Psion . Exit Psion Set Preferences: Psion, or - . Set refresh rate . Define key . Application Name on (Left,Right) . Auto Rename Word files (Yes,No) . Get new list when coming foreground (No,Yes) The memory bar at the bottom of the screen will show you the percentage of your Internal memory is already being used. AUTO RENAMING WORD FILES: This new feature lets you auto rename all Word files,(non Opl). This has been requested for making it easier to identify each word files for macros. Set this in "Set preferences". (Psion) File list layout: You can now customize the layout of the process lists that TM creates. TM gives you two lists. An Application list, and a list of filenames being used by those applications. In "Set Preferences" you can decide which side the Application name goes on. The default is to put the App name on the left and the filenames on the right. If you'de prefer to see the filenames on the left you can switch them. LAUNCHING APPLICATIONS FROM TASKMAN Taskman has built into it an application launcher. To use it, choose 'Application launcher' from the menu, or just press the spacebar. The first time you use it, the only options available are two: 1. Add an application 2. Add a ROM application Choose one of these to add applications to Taskman's application list. Once on the list, they can be quickly chosen and launched without searching for them. Once you have some applications in the list, two other options show up. 1. Run application 2. Remove application Choose 'Run application' to launch a new application. This is different than jumping to an already running application. This will start a new instance of the highlighted application. Choose 'Remove application' to take applications off the list. REGISTERING TASKMAN TaskMan is shareware. To register send $25 to Pelican Software Inc. and you will receive all updates. Compuserve registation: TaskMan can be registered on Compuserve while online. Go Swreg will take you to the shareware registration area where you can register TaskMan. All you need is the TaskMan ID. TaskMan ID = 1711 Registering through Regnet: This program can be registered through RegNet - The Registration Network. RegNet can be located on the World Wide Web at the following URL: http://www.xmission.com/~wintrnx/regnet/regnet.htm or by calling 1 800 WWW2REG (1 800 999-2734) or (801) 355-5110.